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A friend of a friend.
But someone I know.
Popped some pills last week.

My friends they found her feelings out
And the news shocked them to their feet.

I knew her habits from watching her,
I knew she liked pills and drink.

But she's not my friend
It's not my place to say
What I truly think

I know she tried to kill herself,
but I don't think she meant to die

She warned them all before she left
She texted them goodbye

She isn't dead, but they're all lost
And that's something I struggle to see

But why should I care
She's not my friend
And it didn't happen to me

I care, okay?
I care she's hurt
I care she tried to leave.

I care that's she's hurting
I care that she's lost
And I care when she's not happy.

She overdosed.
Her life's a mess.
Her dads a piece of shit.

The hospital
didn't take her away
The police didn't give a shit.

She overdosed
My friend rolled out
To see if she was okay

She found her laying
on the floor
She'll never see her the same.

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