I really don't care anymore.

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Just because my nose runs, doesn't mean that I'm crying.
Somedays my eyes will burn with the tears I'm denying.
I come off as strong, I'm told this too often.
So when I huddle at night, I lay there forgotten.
I tell them I'm great until they stop asking.
No one will see this pain that I'm masking.
I don't smoke, I don't drink; I must not have issues.
But for the lies that rot my teeth, showing through my rouse.
The face behind the mask is not so slowly cracking.
All this pain I'm holding back is overwhelming; everlasting.

Because a runny nose and red eyes are just allergies.
Not me holding back a thousand little agonies.
My face will go blank, then I'll duck in the bathroom.
Because long sleeves and long pants are just a cold classroom.
And the scrapes on my knees are from riding my skateboard.
And the times my lips bleed aren't from bitting too hard.
You point out my scars, my face the color of ashes.
Do you believe it when I say they're just old cat scratches?
And when my knuckles are bruised, I banged them against the wall.
You say, "Tell me what's wrong," when I do, you're appalled.

Just believe it when I say I've been tired awhile.
Believe it when I look you in the eyes and smile.
Because when I fall? I'll just stand back up.
It's easier for me to not give a fuck.

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