Chapter 18

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Scott's POV

I'm very happy that my kid is fine, I was very worried that they got hurt while Landon hit me in the stomach.

"It's not very safe for you here." Philip says, with an annoyed look on his face.

"Why not?" I ask him, slightly concerned.

"Because I know Landon, and he will be annoyed that he lost a fight with you, so he will come back soon, with a gun, and he will want to kill you." Philip tells me.

"I don't want to die yet." I tell him, panicking slightly.

"I won't let you die." He assures me quickly, and then he comes over to hug me tightly.

"What do you want to do then?" I ask him.

"We will have to get out of here today, but we have to wait until everyone will fall asleep, so they won't see us." Philip tells me.

"Alright." I say happily, although I really don't look forward to the car ride, since I hate to be in any kind of car, because it makes me sick.

But I definitely will go through it, if that means that I will be able to go back to my pack.

"Will your family like me?" He asks, sounding slightly nervous.

"Are you nervous to meet my family?" I ask him, amused.

"Well, your father is an Alpha, and I have kidnapped you, I also have kept you in my basement for about a month, while hurting you every few hours, so yeah I think that I'm a bit nervous to see him." Philip tells me.

"We shouldn't tell them that you're a hunter." I say, I don't really want to lie to my family, but I don't think that they will accept him for a long time, if they will know that he made all the scars that cover my body.

"Then what should we tell them?" He asks.

"We should say that you're a son of the hunter that kidnapped me, and that you didn't know what was going on until today, and that you let me go as soon as you have found me." I say.

"But we have already mated." He tells me, and I shrug.

"Most werewolves mate the first tonight that they meet, so we will say that we had some car problems, and we had to stay the night at the hotel or something." I say, I really hope that it will work.

"Sounds good." He says with a smirk.

"Why are you smirking?" I ask him with a frown.

"Because I didn't realise that you're this good at lying, you look quite innocent." He tells me, and I chuckle.

"Did you forgot that I ended up here, because I have sneaked out of my house at night?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I might have forgotten about it." He tells me.

We talk for a few more hours, then Philip leaves to take the guns and some other thing that might be useful.

When he comes back, he reaches his hand towards me, so I take it, and he leads me towards the door.

"We should get going." He tells me, so I nod in agreement.

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