Chapter 22

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Philip's POV

After a few minutes, Scott comes back, and he gives me a smile.

"Where did you go?" I ask him.

"Papa said that I should call the Doctor, and ask him to come here, so I went to papa's office to do it." He tells me, and then he sits on the couch next to me.

"The Doctor won't be able to help you here, you will have to have a surgery to fix them." I tell him, since I have done what I could to fix them, and I'm sure that the Doctor won't be able to do much more.

"Then I will go to the hospital, if he will tell me that it's necessary." He says, and then he cuddles to my side.

I put my arm around him, and soon the house is quiet, so Carter comes inside of the living room.

"I have a question." He says, while he looks a us from the doorway.

"Yeah?" I ask him.

"Who's Reggie boyfriend?" He asks me.

"I have no idea, I think that he saw someone else, maybe one of my brothers, they look similar to me, but I'm not sure if any on them knows that my father is a hunter." I lie.

I only have one brother, and he definitely doesn't look like me, and my parents don't even know what I'm doing, I don't even keep contact with them anymore.

Carter sighs in annoyance, but he doesn't say anything more, he just sits on the couch that is in front of the one that Scott and I sit on.

We sit here, watching TV for a while,  until the door bell rings, and Carter stand up to open the door.

The Doctor comes here a few seconds later, and Carter turns the TV off.

"What's wrong?" The Doctor asks, and he sits next to Scott to talk to him.

"My fingers were broken, and some of them were fixed, but some are still broken." Scott tells him.

"Alright let me see." The Doctor says.

Scott gives him one of his hands, and the Doctor checks all of the fingers, then he checks the other hand, and he sight in frustration.

"They are rebroken, but most of the bones still aren't in right place, and some bones are really badly broken.

So, you will have to come to the pack hospital tomorrow, and I will try to fix them as good as I can, although I can already tell you that I won't be able to fix everything." The Doctor says, and Scott nods his head in understanding.

I feel pretty bad, I didn't intend to break his fingers this much, at first I was hoping that he's bones will just heal correctly, because he's an Alpha's son.

But it seems that I was wrong, and now Scott will have to have a surgery to fix them.

The Doctor leaves not much later, so we decide to go to Scott's room, and Carter lets us do it, although I can see the reluctance in his expression.

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