When It's Time To Go

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Told by Shimaira

I'll tell you one.

My grandfather lay in the hospice, he was dying of cancer. The night of his death I was there together with my dad and some other family members. Before his passing the phone suddenly rang. Thinking it was the nurse, we picked it up. However, there was no-one on the line. Confused we simply placed the horn back. It was in the middle of the night and aside from the other two, maybe three, patients, it was just us and the nurse downstairs in the building.

Some time later we heard a knocking on the door, we went to check but the hallway was empty. The other patient on that floor was vast asleep, and he had no visitors.

My granddad had been in a sort of comatose state, and I had brought a CD with me with tranquil music. I had a feeling the last song on that CD might trigger him-and it did. I played the song and for a short while my granddad came to.

The family was overjoyed to get to see granddad awake before he went, despite the fact that he still seemed rather out of it.

When the moment finally came of his passing he was sort of awake. He was looking at my dad, but suddenly his eyes shot towards the corner of the room. We went to look to see what he was looking at, but that corner was empty. He then passed away...

We are convinced that my late grandmother is who he saw in that corner...

After he had died we went to get the nurse and we asked her if she had called us early that night. If she had perhaps knocked on the door. But no. She hadn't called, and she hasn't even been upstairs...

 She hadn't called, and she hasn't even been upstairs

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