I used to hear hearsays about a person dreaming and getting immobilized for some unknown reason. It is closely related to sleep paralysis. In our dialect we call it ''ORUM''.
It was six in the morning when I dreamed about two entities crawling towards me. Weird right? Dreaming at this time of the day. I'm not actually a morning person. During weekends, I used to sleep until 9 a.m.
My eyes were closed (of course, I'm sleeping), but it felt like I was really staring at them. It was like I was wearing opaque eye lenses. They were just silhouettes, slender silhouettes of different heights. The other had a height the same of a two to three year old kid and the other was just three-fourth of a ruler. I didn't feel their presence. No scent, no cold skin, no purrs or whatever sound beings like those make.
Scared, my mind awakened, but not my body. I never really like unpleasant dreams. I tried to open my eyes, but to my surprise, I couldn't move my eyelids or even the rest of my body. I was immobilized.
I began to panic since the taller one was already on top of my belly and the other was padding towards my head. Then I remembered the hearsay. They say that if you'll be able to move a single part of your body even the slightest, the entire will be relieved from the paralysis. So I forced my body to move. Luckily, one of my toes budged and, as they said, my whole body finally moved. When I opened my eyes, I saw nothing. I was just met by the ceiling.
It didn't just happen once. I experienced it again in the same year. The second time was a different one and it happened to me midnight. It was like this: I woke up lying on the ground in an abandoned factory. It was so dark and there was this shadow-like entities pulling me into the ground or should I say into the underworld.
Actually, I haven't told anyone about my experiences 'coz I know they won't believe me.
Raspy Breaths
The experience I am about to tell you happened last May 2017.
I was on my bed that time. It was afternoon. I was ill, so I was pinned to my bed. It was before I was diagnosed with having severe anemia and erosive gastritis. I was losing weight and could barely walk because of the lack of red blood cells.
My mom and sister were out to our neighbor. I don't know why. And my father was at work so I was left alone in our house. The doors and windows were locked even in my room. It was dark. Then I heard these raspy breaths a meter away from my back.
Because I am a coward when it comes to paranormal, I just froze and squeezed my eyes shut, praying for my mother and sister to come back. It wasn't just normal inhaling and exhaling. It was prolonged like it was really meant. It was the sound I used to scare my eight year old sister.
It repeated three to four times. I was relieved when I heard my sister talking about something aloud. She is a noisy type.
It vanished as quickly as it appeared. I looked where it came from and saw nothing. I just saw walls.
I don't know if I made it up because of my condition or it really happened, because since elementary, I hear the voices of people I know calling my name, and whenever I turn to look at the source I see no one. Even until now, I still hear it but I have learned to ignore it.
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