The Shiftling

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Told by Bunny_Cuddles_15

I never thought this was anything paranormal, I just thought it is something that was sort of normal that I dealt with this at a sort of young age.

I have grown up with it so I really didn't know whether it was me or not, but then last year it happened again after two year of it not happening, and then that was when I realized what I had been seeing me my whole life wasn't normal.

So my first memory of this happening was when I would be about seven. Me and my sister shared a room. Her bed was next to mine and against the window mine was on the wall where the door is.

We always left our door open and the bathroom light on, which was right across the hall from our room, so there was a bit of light shining into our room. I remember one night I woke up, I don't remember why, but I did, and all I remember was sitting up slowly and turning my body to face the door to see a black figure looking at me.

It wasn't the whole body,  it was only the head and a bit of its stomach as if someone just bent around the door frame. It kept staring at me till I blinked then it was gone. It didn't have any features, it was just blackness but I remember it having these big things in the top of its head. I always thought it was ears, so me being a crazy seven year old girl thought of it as a giant teddy bear and I guess that is why it never scared me.

After that I didn't see it again till I was nine and my older sister moved into a different room for more privacy as she a was hitting her teen years. I always hated being in my room when she wasn't in there and then she completely moved out and I hated it. But I sucked it up and didn't say anything.

So the first night I was in my room by myself I moved my bed and everything around so that my bed was facing the door now. It was about 5:30 at night and it was still light so I was reading a book on my bed when, for some reason, I stopped and looked up to my doorway to see the black figure standing there again. This time its full figure, and it still had the teddy bear like ears, but it felt different. It felt more like a man if that makes any sense, so I blinked and it went away.

After more experience of this happening I got used to it and just blinked and it would go away. Usually every few weeks till I hit the age of thirteen and then things stopped all together.

That was until late last year. I was in my room in which now I have a double bed, and it is now facing my closet. I don't remember what I was doing but I it was about 2pm and I stopped when it felt as if something was looking at me. I looked up to my closet to see the figure again but it didn't have the ears anymore it looked more like a hat. It just looked at me I blinked, but it wouldn't go so I kept doing what I was doing and looked back up to see it was gone and then the bathroom door slammed.

Now I don't know whether this is the same thing but this scared me so much. I was up at around 3am on Wattpad  reading when I decided to go to sleep. So I turned off my phone and was going to sleep when I just couldn't, so I moved so my right knee was proper over the blankets. I was just looking at nothing and then I saw the most terrifying thing ever I saw.

A hand that was like a shadow hover over my leg and kept rising till it was just below my stomach. I was frozen. That was when I came back to reality and full on jumped up and flicked on every light I could in my room, and it scared me so much that now I can't sleep unless a light is on.

And that was when I started looking into the paranormal, and ever since then more stuff has been happening. Like things falling of my shelves, cold spots, door knobs jingling and even my sister has noticed some strange stuff.

 Like things falling of my shelves, cold spots, door knobs jingling and even my sister has noticed some strange stuff

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