I always felt like I could see and hear things people couldn't, ever since I was young. It mostly started at my old house when I was nine. I walked outside at 5 in the morning to start my mom's van. She was a bus driver and she would drive me to school. I walked outside ready to go when I saw a man standing at the end of the driveway. I blinked and he was gone. I didn't think much of it until later. I lived in this house for five years.
Around the third year of living there I saw a dog outside. The dog was a big golden retriever sniffing around a pole. I thought of it as a stray until a girl stopped at our house. She walked outside looking at our garden. My mother greeted her when she said she used to live here. She said, "I used to live here when I was younger. We had a golden retriever that had died. We buried him in the back." We talked and she left.
But later that year my mom told me that our landlord's mother use to own this place and a man had gotten into something he shouldn't have and was tossed inside the house left dead.
The second to last year I locked my door shut ready for bed all alone. Well I fell asleep, but when I woke up to my bed shaking it was a different matter. At first I thought it was my brother who could've snuck through the window. So when I yelled at him to get out the shaking stopped. But nothing moved after that. I looked around my room for him but no sign.
The last year was the scariest year of them all. We were talking about how excited we were to leaving to our new house so much. The next night my brother walked into the living room and looked up and found the attic door was open. We thought it was creepy because it had many nails and screws keeping it closed. Later that night when we were ready for bed my dog came up to my mom and she had her nose burnt off. I have always thought there was something wrong with that house.
We moved to the house I'm in now and I see a girl watching me as I sleep. I feel like something's about to jump out and attack me. One day I woke up and had to do something in the shed that's been there for a very long time. I walked inside and the door closed behind me like they always do. But when I turned around full handed and the door opened and closed behind me. Then the last time this happened to me was a few months ago when my brother and I were inside we went to pull the door opened but it was locked from the outside.
I don't know if I was just born into a paranormal attractor family or if I just happen to live in places with paranormal activity. Even my mother has had crazy experiences with ghosts.
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