I was always interested by things that went bump in the night. It was my childhood obsession. I have had several experiences.
1. I was around nine or ten and my cousin was sleeping over. She went to go to the bathroom and left me alone. I looked in the mirror (I forget why) and a face was next to mine in the mirror. It smiled and waved and then vanished.
2. Just after my grandmother died, I was crying myself to sleep. I had just grabbed another tissue and was blowing my nose when I felt a gentle hand smooth down my hair. I reached back to see who is was before the hand gently pulled my hair. I snatched for whatever it was but it was gone. I believe it was my grandmother because she always used to do that.
3. This didn't happen to me, but my half-brother, Jack. Jack was in school and the entire school lost power. That wouldn't be so strange if you didn't account for the fact that a second after, the intercom (and only the intercom) turned on and someone began screaming over the speakers, begging for help. Jack says it scarred him for life. I later looked up murders in my town and found out that the school (which used to be a home for children without parents) had had an incident in which a boy was killed.
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