My mother told me this story when I was entering high school. By then I had wwwwwwaaaaaaayyyyy too many paranormal experiences and had just assumed my house was simply haunted. This is one of the stories that made me realize that I had the sixth sense. I'll be writing from her point of view.
When you were about three or four months old, you would always wake me up in the middle of the night. Your crib was in my room as I wanted to be close by if you needed me. You never cried though. I would hear you giggling to yourself and playing in your crib. I would check on you and once I would confirm you were fine, I would chide you for waking me up and rock you back to sleep. Your father was into some odd things at the time and called a witch to the house to do check the energy of the house. I don't personally believe in it but I wasn't going to deny your father his beliefs.
Well I found the witch to be a bit disturbing. She knew too much about us and I thought perhaps your father said more than was necessary to her. She wandered around the house until she entered the master bedroom.
That's when she scared me because she asked me about you.
"How old is your baby?"
"She's a few months old."
She nodded her head as if confirming what she already knew and then asked, "Does she sleep at night?"
"She sleeps easily enough."
"Does she sleep through the night?"
I wasn't sure what to say. Your father slept like the dead and I'm certain he didn't know about me putting you to sleep twice at night. But in the end I decided to answer her.
"No. She wakes up sometimes in the middle of the night."
"Does she cry? Like she is scared?"
"No. She just giggles and plays with herself."
"Your baby isn't playing by herself."
I remember fear seizing my chest and demanding to know what she meant.
"It's nothing to worry about. Your baby sees spirits. They are friendly though and loved children while they were alive. One of them is a police officer and the other is a fireman."
We were both scared of the idea of ghosts playing with you, regardless if they were friendly or not. It wasn't cheap. I wasn't sure if she was taking us for a ride but your father paid for a cleansing to rid the house of spirits and she even taught him how to do it himself to maintain it.
...But you slept through the night after that.
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