Told by Dewi_Nirvana
For 13 years, my family and I have lived in an apartment we rented. It was more like our second home and I loved it there, however, people would tell us that the place was haunted.
I laughed at the idea because it was actually us, scaring the people by making weird sounds and noises, hidden behind curtains and closed windows.
However, my mother told us a story that simultaneously confused and scared her.
I was two years old and was eating breakfast in the chair, with my baby sister laid down in a stroller beside me.
My mother was washing dishes at the sink behind us, two feet away from us.
When my mother got back, she shrieked.
My baby sister was laid down on the ground, four feet away from the stroller while I was sitting down on the chair, still eating.
My mother asked me, "Were you the one who put your sister down on the floor?" (Back then, I was a smart kid and I understood questions immediately).
I replied no, my mother told me, and I even insisted on it.
The shocking thing is my mother never once heard a sound of falling or crying.
Seven years later, I encountered another paranormal experience with my sister again.
It was around seven o'clock at night and we were waiting for our dad in the school where he teaches.
My sister brought her best friend and we played until our clothes were soaking wet from sweat.
We agreed to rest for a bit at the stairs of the building.
Now, there were many stories of ghosts and creepy experiences lurking around in the buildings. The school had lots of buildings and usually they were built tall and wide.
The particular building we were resting at was considered very haunted but of course, we were kids and never gave it much thought.
"Hey, who's that?" my sister's best friend (a girl, by the way) asked, and pointed at a figure at the end of the hallway.
The figure was sitting down on a bench and their face was covered by shoulder-length black hair. She or he was holding a black bag and it looked suspiciously like a student of the school because the figure was wearing the school's uniform.
"Hello? Who's there? Hello?"
I shouted at the figure for a number of times but there was never an answer. After several minutes, it was only then that we realized maybe the one we were talking to, wasn't a human at all.
We ran quickly out of the place and never looked back.
The next day, we told a few students of the incident and they speculated it as one of the infamous female ghosts who had died before.
Real Life Paranormal Experiences Part 1
Non-FictionPersonal, real-life paranormal experiences from the Paranormal Community. Because sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.