The Devil's Hour

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Told by HeyItzAllyH

It was about 8:30-9:00 when we (me and my family) went to bed. Before everyone got into bed, we noticed that it was a full moon, which kinda explains why my sisters were extra hyper last night. We have 2 dogs, and every night we need to put them in their kennel.

So I put them outside in their kennel and closed all the doors. I got into bed and me being me, I didn't actually go to sleep. I was watching YouTube when one of my dogs, Riley, came out from underneath my bed and jumped up next to me. Once this happened, I put him back into his bed and checked that all the doors were closed. Every door that he could have possibly got inside from was locked shut.

Later in the night I was watching YouTube and checking my apps when I realized that Happii  was also still awake. We decided to talk on a messaging app we both have. We were chatting about our week as we hadn't seen each other for the past week and a half because we were on school holidays. I won't say what we were talking about exactly because, A) it's about stuff in our private lives and B) it has nothing to do with the story.

We were talking about stuff, as usual, but it's kinda creepy because it was super late and the only light source I had was the light from my phone. But this creepy was just the normal "I'm the only one awake in the middle of the night" creepy.

That's when Happii notices that it's 3:00. For anyone out there who doesn't know, 3:00-4:00am is known as the devil's hour. We started talking about ghosts. Happii tells me that when he was in his bathroom earlier that night he noticed that there were slight hand marks in light red on the mirror. He said the fingers of the hand mark were really long like a skeleton's, and when he touched it he heard a loud bang from in the draw of bathroom cupboard. He confirmed so many times saying that she wasn't lying and even said he'd send me a photo later. So we carried on talking about creepy ghost stuffs and how scary it is to be the only one awake at night, when my phone just decides to power off out of nowhere. My phone's an Apple so if anyone out there has it has had a device from Apple, you should know that you can power your device off and then turn it back on.

My phone just decided to power off, but it was very creepy how it happened. My screen started dimming and had a few spots of static. Then it just completely went black. It was a very old phone and it has just randomly powered off before, so I tried turning it back on.

The screen with the Apple symbol that shows up when you power on your device came up, but then a few seconds later it turned back to the black screen. I decided to turn my lamp on and I went get my iPad instead. I told Happii, "What's the bet that everything's going to stop once it comes to 4:00?"

I decided to hold onto my teddy bear that lives on my bed because I was really scared at this point. That when I noticed two stitches on his face I don't remember ever seeing before. So, of course, I took a picture of both of them and sent them to Happii. That's when I started hearing a load of noises coming from around my house.

I told Happii what was going on in these exact words, "You know those noises you hear from the roof when everything's quiet? It kinda sounds like cracking? You know? I've heard them in every house I've ever lived in. But tonight they just seem more frequent and louder to me."

So we kept talking about ghost stuff again. That's when I thought I heard footsteps on our floorboards. At first I tried to ignore it, but then I heard them again. I got up, assuming that it was just one of my family members. So I snuck out of my room. I didn't want to get caught. Imagine what your parents would say if they caught you wide awake at 3:30 in the morning.

I looked over into my sisters' room that's located just down the hall. I didn't see anyone up. I didn't hear their bunk-bed squeak like it always does. So I assumed it was either my mum or my dad.

I crept out to the kitchen, but no one was there. From our kitchen you can see almost the entire house, and I saw no one awake. I crept over to my parents' room, as quietly as possible to make sure I didn't wake anyone. And you guessed it, they were asleep. I checked to make sure the doors were locked again and they were. I went back to my bedroom.

I told Happii that I thought I heard footsteps. but no one except me was awake. He said that I should probably stay in my room. What made everything worse is the fact that I had watched so many YouTube videos about ghosts and scary stuff earlier that day.

Eventually it came to 4:00. That's when all the noises just stopped. All the footsteps. All the roof cracks. All the loud wind that I forgot to mention earlier. It all just stopped. It was peaceful and I liked it that way. I told Happii. The conversation went like this:Me: Holy quack! I was right!!Happii: About what?Me: I said earlier that this would probably stop once it turned to 4:00 and it did. All the noises have stopped now!Me:its 4:05 rn

 All the noises have stopped now!Me:its 4:05 rn

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