Me and my family lived in a small apartment and busy neighborhood. When I was about 9 my dad was at work and my mum had gone off to the store for a few minutes. I was starting to get hungry so I decided to go to our food closet (where we kept canned food, sweets, dishes, etc.)
I started to get on my tip-toes to reach something off the shelf when I heard something rattle furiously at my side.
Some of the pots and pans and dishes were falling furiously on the shelves, but it was weird since there was no earthquake or anyone stomping on the floor.
I started to get scared once some of the pots and pans few off the shelves. I heard the front door open suddenly and I ran to my mum, happy she came back.
Ever since that day I have never felt comfortable in this house, I always have a weird feeling or as if something was watching me. The house was just never the same after that.
I had weird experiences happen more, but my parents never believe me.
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