Hey, I have a story. It's not particularly creepy, but it's a bit odd. Please bear in mind that I had not heard the story that my mother told me before.
I've been a sceptic all my life. I don't believe in ghosts or anything like that, but I do find the whole paranormal phenomena interesting. About a month ago, me and my mother were round my neighbour's house - she is a firm believer and thinks that her house is haunted. Because of my interest in that subject, we often talk about ghosts.
My mother began to bring up my friend's mother. She had a medium come to her house to see if it was haunted. The medium was fine in all of the rooms, apart from one - the spare room that they used to store things in. The medium had said that there was an incredibly malevolent spirit in that room and actually burst into tears in there and refused to go near it afterwards.
At that moment, I felt really sick. A few years previously I had been on a sleepover at their house. The mother's son was my best friend, and he'd had his bedroom redecorated so he invited me round to see it. Everything went absolutely fine until it came to sleeping. I was a very anxious child and became incredibly homesick and wouldn't go to sleep. In the end, the mother took me to the spare room to watch some shooting stars - well, it was a meteor storm really. When we were in there, I felt incredibly uneasy and kept looking around. I had the feeling that something was behind me, and that it wanted to hurt me.
I told my mum and my neighbour this after she finished her story, and they both confirmed it was quite odd. I've never experienced anything else like that, and it still makes me feel incredibly unnerved to this day.
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