A Near Fatality

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Told by Anonymous

Once I woke up at a babysitters house in the middle of the night to see their dead daughter standing at the foot of the couch I was sleeping in.

The weirdest thing, is I hadn't seen an image of the daughter before hand. after I saw her photo I realized who it was.

One night while at a babysitter's house 6 years ago, I was sleeping in their living room on the couch.

When I woke up I saw the daughter of my babysitters.

She scared me so bad for the next few months I woke up in the middle of the night every few hours.

The weirdest thing is, a few months after that an electrical fire started and we almost died.

The only reason we survived is because I woke up because of her.

I woke up 2-3 feet from the fire. 


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