Our house in my village has never shown signs of any paranormal activity before, no matter how creepy it looks sometimes. It's located in a small, soon to disappear village in the lower parts of a mountain; an old, yet well-kept by my grandma, building with a huge yard full of flowers and crops. In the day it's a lovely place, a relaxing environment, perfect for closing your eyes and just letting the peace of the nature around submerge you as you breathe the crystal clear air...
Sounds lovely, right? It does.
And then, at night, this house completely changes. Darkness submerges the place. We have various bulbs to light outside at evening, and they always seem dim compared to the thick, murky shadows that overlap each other and leave you in complete confusion as to where you are if you don't have a light with you...you can easily get lost in our own yard at night.That's not paranormal activity, is it? Until this summer, everything has been fine. My holidays here were perfect, the nights had nothing creepy to them except the wolves occasionally howling outside here and there.
But this month, everything is insane.
When the wolves start howling, things start happening, and they worry me. They may be small, but they're definitely there. I've often considered that my mother or uncle are pranking me, because some of the things that happen are just not...possible.
Late at night, I've been hearing noises. Not footsteps, like a lot of people have been hearing, but noises. Quiet banging against the wall, almost inaudible knocking on the door, deep, almost worried breathing. It freaks me out. I often either can't close my eyes at night, always looking at the door or besides me in fear somebody is watching me. Other times I don't even dare open them- I'm scared to see if somebody will be there.
They always begin after the wolves howl.
It's hot here during the day, so I usually leave the windows open when I go to sleep so the chill of the night seeps into my room. The moonlight often crawls through that window and illuminates a shape of the window on the opposite wall.
One night, I heard knocking on my door. I called if somebody was there, still sleepy- it had woken me up. Nobody replies. I open my eyes, and the first thing I see is that path of moonlight on my wall...and a silhouette is standing in the middle of it. Just the head and the shoulders, but it was definitely there. I let out a yelp of terror and shifted my gaze frantically over to the window. The only way for the silhouette to have appeared is if somebody was standing right outside the window (Which is on the second floor, aka impossible)....or right inside it, in my room, standing in front of the window.
Nobody was there.
I had to drink a pill to fall asleep again that night.In the morning, I asked my mom, uncle and grandma if they had knocked on my door. All three refused and confirmed my worries- that somebody else did it.And last, there is this...this nail that has been following me. Yes, I know, a nail?! It's a human nail, around the size of the nail on an index finger, covered in black nail polish. I suppose it's pretty old, because the nail polish is chipped off here and there, and that makes it...really recognizable.I found it on the living room table on the first floor the other day. Shrugged, it wasn't anything special- just a nail. It made me a little curious as to where it came from, because nor me, my mother or my grandma (obviously) don't have a black manicure right now. Hell, there was no nail polish in the house at all. I just threw it in the grass.Then, I found it on the sink in the bathroom. For some weird reason, it came back. I threw it in the trashbin.
Yesterday, the wolves started howling.
Guess what I found in my bed? Next to my pillow?
The goddarn nail had come back. The scary part? It's not like it's a different one...it's the absolute same nail. The markings on it where the paint chipped off are the same. The shape is the same.
I guess that wherever I go, it follows.
~Sincerely, Lovey
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