I'm gonna get straight to it because there's a lot that happened in that house...the house my siblings and I grew up in was haunted!! Like, for real, straight up poltergeist activity the first day we moved in....
I was 8 years old at the time, this was 1993 (telling my age, so what lol) and we had a manual exercise bike, no electrical cords or anything...my dad moved it to one room close to the window, then walked back to the car to get more stuff and when my sisters and I walked back to said room a few minutes later, the bike pedals were going by themselves...very quickly. No one was back there, as we were all grabbing items from the car at this moment. My dad has always been a skeptic of the topic of ghosts, he even made up a "logical explanation" for the bike incident...until he saw an old black woman, transparent mind you, in a long white gown "floating" out of their bedroom. He believes in ghosts 100% to this very day because of it and said that the experience "scared the hell outta him".
Another instance, fast forward a few years later, my sister and I are about 12 or 13 and were just vegging out one late summer night in our room. The older siblings had moved out already and it was just us two and our parents asleep in their room. We knew to keep our radio down because moms ain't going when you wake her up, so the house was very quiet...until my sister and I heard the deepest, most sinister hiss/exhale/growl type of noise, so loud in the dining room located at the front end of the house.
No one was in there to have made the noise, so she and I secretly hoped it was just our imaginations until we both slowly looked at each other in acknowledgment that we both heard it. We both jumped up sooo fast and woke up our parents, literally beating on their bedroom door.
I swear, I can still hear that twisted sound in my head. I stayed there until I was 19, so needless to say, I got tons of stories about that place...absolutely creepy house. The previous owner said his mom fell ill so he had to move her outta there. Sure he did, that old woman died in that house and it was the scariest place I've ever lived. Gives me chills just thinking about it.
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