The Whistling Intruder

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Told by jessreadi

This is one of the paranormal experiences that stood out to me the most.

I was about 15 when my experience took place. My parents and little sister had left for the evening to a family party that I had decided to skip because I don't like my aunts very much. My older brother stayed as well, but left about an hour after my parents did to go out with his group of friends. I was laying in my bed watching the food network, my orange cat laying on my chest. Suddenly I heard the sound of my front door opening. I remember thinking maybe it was my brother returning to pick up something he forgot.

Then, I heard heavy dragging footsteps pass by my door. I grabbed my cat and carried him to my door. I didn't open it. I was too cautious to just open the door -- what if it was an intruder? The footsteps went all the way to my brother's room when they stopped. I heard the creak of his door as it was being opened. After a minute or two, which felt like years for me, I placed my ear against my door trying to hear if it was my brother. Whistling started coming from my brother's room and the footsteps returned as they headed back towards the front door. Instead of just disappearing, the footsteps headed towards the kitchen. Soon after I heard things being moved. I locked my door and ran back to my bed.

The whistling passed by my door again except this time it stopped in front of my parents' room which I shared a wall with. I pressed my ear against the wall wondering if the intruder had gone in my parents' room. As I was listening, a low whispering of voices that I didn't recognize slowly started getting louder. I moved away from the wall and hugged my cat tighter. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and dialed my brother. He answered after the first ring. I asked him if he was inside the house making all that noise and I was met with silence. He later told me it was because he had felt chills run through his body as I told him that. I heard him tell his friends that they needed to come to our house and check on me. He then talked to me and told me to lock my door and stay as quiet as possible.

He stayed on the phone with me until he got back to the house. He told his friends to split up and check the back yard. I heard his friends as they made their way around the outside of my house looking to scare away any intruder. Meanwhile my brother and one of his friends came into the house. I heard my brother grab his metal bat, which he leaves near the front door in case of emergencies and they went into every room and checked.

After a while he spoke into the phone again. He told me they hadn't found anyone or any sign of a break in that I could unlock my door now. I hung up the phone and left my room. My brother hugged me and said that I should call mom and dad. After telling them what happened they rushed home.

My mom came in the house cussing out whatever spirit was there. I remember her being livid, yelling at the spirit for even daring to scare me. After that incident I've been very paranoid about being left home alone. Even now my husband has to check all the doors and windows and promise me a thousand times that he'll answer his phone if I call for anything before he goes to work.

 Even now my husband has to check all the doors and windows and promise me a thousand times that he'll answer his phone if I call for anything before he goes to work

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