For the longest time I struggled with depression and anxiety. I never knew what caused it or where it came from, but it was there. Many nights I would feel like something was watching me, but with my anxiety I never thought much about it.
Everyone goes through a time where they struggle with their demons, those demons that are yourself. Demons you made up yourself from your worst fears or from what people have told you. That can make you more vulnerable than you think.
This is a story that I didn't think much about at the time. With my demons inside, I never thought I could be attacked by something else. But my weaknesses made me vulnerable.
Struggling to keep my eyes closed, I look over at the clock. 2 am. I should be asleep by now, but I couldn't sleep because my thoughts of church the next day were consuming me. What could go wrong this morning? Never thinking of the good and only thinking of the bad, I snuggle up into my blankets.
Saturday's were always the hardest for me. I never had anything to do but lay down and read. The quiet days where the ones that let me go deep into thought, which led me to think about things that I shouldn't. Those were the days my demons were the strongest. The days I payed attention to them.
Deep sleep consumed me, and I'm out cold for whoever knows long. Out of nowhere I feel a crowd of emotions consume me. Feeling of guilt, fear, and sadness. These feelings wake me up, or what I think makes me wake up. Then I'm back to sleep again. Still the feeling of being watched crosses my mind before falling back asleep.
I wake up a few hours later feeling horrible. Maybe around 5am. My body is tired, and it feels like I have run miles. My dreams from my sleep take over my thoughts. In my dream I was being chased. Chased by my demons. For some reason I couldn't go home. For I had a feeling that whatever was chasing would be there.
Everywhere I went, I was alone. Nobody was home, or was there to help me. I can feel my demons around me, trying to catch me or harm me. I feel pain all over my body as I run for help. In my dream I don't know why I was running or why I needed help. I was trapped.
Then at the end of the dream, I was caught and all I could feel was pain. I saw all red, then I woke up. Thinking about the dream even made me hurt just thinking about it. Nausea consumed me as I tried to process everything that occurred in my dream.
Just like before I went to bed, I felt like I was being watched. My anxiety was getting the best of me. Looking around my dark room, I see a figure in the corner. Just looking at it gave me the chills. I couldn't make out what it was but I felt weak. I couldn't move and I couldn't say anything. All I could do was stare at the figure. It reminded me of something in my dream but I couldn't put my finger on it.
As I was staring at it. It got closer, and my fear became more noticeable. I couldn't move my body, because I felt sore. I had no idea if it was going to hurt me or if I was safe. After staring at the figure for a long time, I fell asleep again.
Waking up around 8am I felt better. My body hurt like crazy still but I didn't feel the presence anymore. Since it was light now I finally looked down at my body where it hurt. I had scratches and bruises all over my legs and stomach, which weren't there the night before. Walking around made me almost fall over. My legs were so sore, and my back was tense.
To this day I never knew what that dream meant or what exactly happened to me. All I know is that I was weak in that moment and something took advantage of me. I don't struggle from depression anymore and I rarely ever have any paranormal experiences anymore, but this one dream or whatever it was really hit me hard.
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