I was never a skeptic, then one night I saw what I always believed. When you were 8 did you believe in demons, ghosts, or the paranormal? Are you a skeptic?
I was asleep in my bed one night after watching a Ghost Adventures and a Haunting marathon, when I heard whispering. I'm a very light sleeper so I immediately woke up. I thought It was my brother because he always stayed awake at night. When I looked under me, he was asleep. (We had a bunk bed because we lived in a two bedroom apartment. We shared one room and our mom had the other.) When I saw that he was asleep I thought he was faking, so I hit him lightly with a pillow and said, 'Go to sleep!'
I went back to sleep, then maybe an hour later I heard it again. This time I went down off my bed and saw that he wasn't there. I walked outside our room and he was on the couch. Asleep. I looked at the TV and saw that it was a static channel. I woke him up and we went back to our room and we fell asleep.
The next morning I kept things to myself. When night came by I went to bed and tried to fall asleep, I couldn't close my eyes for more than 5 seconds. I tried to turn on Netflix, nothing, put in ear buds, nothing. Then I saw it. I turned over in my bed and saw a black shadow with red eyes in the corner. I tried pinching myself to see if it was a dream, but all it did was make my arm hurt.
I turned away from it and it spoke. 'Nothing, nothing, nothing.' I turned back to where is was and it seemed like it was bigger or closer. I closed my eyes. I lay on my back and covered my face with my pillow. I then felt the entity grow closer and closer till it was right beside me. I uncovered my face and looked to my right and saw nothing.
I then proceeded to have these 'sightings' every night. I told my mom and she then immediately began crying and told me her experiences with ghosts.
I moved rooms and that seemed to anger the spirit. One night in December I felt it grow stronger than before. That's when it attacked. It scratched my arm and I instantly screamed, then I heard running footsteps to my room. My mom opened the door and took one look at my arm and we decided to move ASAP.
And to this day I have a scar that proves that I was attacked by a spirit.
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