This happened to me in my Sophomore year in High School. At the time I had my own room and in this room I had a bunk bed. It was one of those bunk beds that was really high up and you could put a desk underneath. I hated it because my fear was always that if someone were to break into the house I was currently living in, it would take me forever to get out of the bed.
This situation made me hate the bed even more. So at the time I had my bed against the wall across from my door. For some reason we kept on the hallway light as a mini night light. I forget the reasons, but the light was always on. I was facing the wall and I turned around, slowly waking up, and I saw a figure standing on the side of my bed. The light slightly shone on them.
I could tell that it wasn't anybody in my house. They were shadowed, didn't have a face and looked about the size of a 10-year-old boy. To say I was scared was the least. I couldn't tell whether it was a real person or just a shadow, so I turned back around and pretended to just fall asleep.
I, of course, the next morning asked both my sisters and brothers if they were in my room watching me sleep, because that would have been less creepy than just some random entity. They all denied it and said I was just seeing things. It wasn't until years later when I was watching YouTube videos when a YouTuber I watch frequently started talking about Shadow People.
He described what I saw perfectly. Up to that point I never could put a name to what I saw and I thought I was the only person -- turns out I wasn't. There had been so many accounts of shadow people that they made a movie, but in the movie they were saying that since the main character guy was talking about it so much that people were just imagining it.
I knew that wasn't true because at the time this experience happened to me, I was in my phase where I hated talking about ghosts and horror movies. My older brother told me that if I stared in the mirror too long I'd see my reflection start to move, so I was scared of just about everything.
Now I love just about everything horror movies; basically anything paranormal. There was no way for me to have heard about shadow people. I never watched creepy videos, or went on creepy forums, so I knew I didn't make this up.
Then to add fuel to the fire, my older brother's best friend who stayed with us for a while told me a story of his own experience, when I told mine. He said he had a room in the basement of his mother's house. His bed was across the room from the door and the light switch. He said he woke up to his dog barking at something, and rolled over and saw a figure standing by the door. He at first thought it was his sister, so he grabbed a shoe and threw it at her, yelling at her to leave, but the shoe hit the wall and not the figure. He jumped up ran across the room and turned on the light, and there was nobody there. My brother has tried telling me that it was just a story, but I believe it.
There are a lot of unexplainable things that happen to people, including seeing shadowy figures watching you in your sleep.
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