Christmas Presence

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Told by Anonymous

I have not really had a lot of experiences with the paranormal, but the first time, around Christmas. I was living in my old house next door to my auntie, and everyone (my mum, step dad and little cousin) where sitting the the living room.

The living room and dining room are connected with an arch with glass doors, and when the glass doors are open you can see the dining room (which it also connected to the kitchen). Anyway, my little cousin had gotten a remote controlled car that he can sit in and someone else controls it, for Christmas. We where talking in the living room and the remote for it was sitting in the table in front of us, then suddenly the car zooms past the glass doors (which where opened) and crashes right into the wall. We where all really surprised and over all freaked out, mainly because the remote didn't have batteries in it.

The second time, it was in the same house, and me and my sister where baby sitting my little cousins who where aged 3 and 7. It was around ten P.M and they where both in bed, sleeping, while my sister and I sat in the living room.

Suddenly we both heard a loud bang from my four year old cousin's room, and I told my sister to wait there while I went to put him back in bed (assuming he had fallen out).

When I went up, the light was switched on in his room, but he was asleep, in the same position as when I left.

I turned the light back off and checked if my other cousin was awake, but she was sound asleep.

Thinking nothing of it, I went back down to see my sister.

Around ten minutes later we heard another bang, followed by what sounded like something smashing. Getting annoyed now, I went back up and saw all the lights upstairs turned on, and the TVs in my 4 year old cousin's room. I checked if they where both asleep and again, they where, but I made sure my seven year old cousin was actually sleeping and not just messing with me, but she was sound asleep.

I went back to the living room after turning everything off, and was shocked when I saw my sister shaking, crying, and hiding her face in her hands. She then explained that after I had went upstairs, she saw a shadow figure peak around he glass door in the dining room, and then sprint past the doors. After calming her down, we sat down and put on a film. I was slightly scared by now, but tried not to think about it until another bang was heard upstairs and this time my sister came. I checked the rooms and saw my seven year old cousin wasn't in bed, and jumped when I turned around and she was standing there, looking blankly at me and my sister. I phoned my mum to come home, and in thirty minutes she came, and both kids where sleeping.

The next morning my seven year old cousin didn't remember being awake that night, and so it was passed off as sleep walking, but I didn't believe that.

Another thing weird is that when my sister was younger (around 4-5) she used to wake up screaming at night time, and after being taken to the doctors, they explained it was 'night terrors'. She would wake up screaming and when my mum came to see her, she would point being the door, and say 'he is watching me' and my mum would ask who, and look behind the door, and my sister said 'the dark man, he is watching again'. She wasn't good at talking and my mum was shocked when she said these words, considering her age. Sometimes my mum would come in and my sister would be under her blanket, telling my mum to get out or 'he would get angry'. This went on till she was around 7-8 and the doctor found it weird that it lasted this long, but when I was born, it all stopped.

 This went on till she was around 7-8 and the doctor found it weird that it lasted this long, but when I was born, it all stopped

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