So my house has never been haunted or anything, but when there's an unusual sound like floorboards creaking, I'd usually blame it on the cats. But this story, no cat could've done it...
My sister went to a party and got to take a helium balloon home. It was all good for a day, but the next day the paranormal started. At first the balloon went up and down as if it was being pulled on by the string. Then it started moving (there was no wind, or anything that I could see causing it) around, like someone was running with it.
I got freaked out so I tied the balloon to a chair. I left and go to my room to do stuff. When I got back the balloon was moving around all over the room. I tied it again to see and when I got back the same thing happened.
I tried to forget about it and went on with my business. When I went to the dining room/kitchen (where the balloon was) to get a glass of water before bed, the balloon wasn't there. I looked around and the balloon was in another room, just floating there. During that moment I got an eerie feeling that I was being watched, and not by a cat. I rushed to get a glass of water and went to bed.
The next day, the balloon was still in the living room, in the exact same spot. Oh and also my sister was in a another room on the other side of the house colouring/playing the whole time. I'm not a strong believer in the paranormal; I just wanted to share this story.
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