The Tall Man

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Told by Nadia

Last month, I would hear four knocks in my room every night up until last night. And it wasn't like faint knocks like if it happened in a movie, it was loud and clear. It didn't really creep me out because it wasn't trying to hurt me, so I ignored it.

Then things started going missing and turning up in places, and nobody knew why.Then one night, I got sick of things going missing and the knocks. So in my head, I said, "Please go away" and since that night, I havent heard any knocks and nothing has gone missing.Also, one night I was listening to music in my room and I read a lot of horror stories and stuff like that. But when I clicked one story called "The Tall Man"  my music stopped and a really creepy shuffling started playing from my phone. (And I made SURE that the horror story app didn't have music to it!) My mom tells me not to have such an open mind with the paranormal or I'll invite them into our house, but I dunno. But a couple weeks ago (two days after the creepy shuffling music) I was sleeping on the floor in the living room with my little brother. Later when he was asleep I was up just watching TV. The living room is right in front of the dining room, and the dining room has a door leading to the kitchen. For some reason, I looked towards there, and standing in the kitchen doorway was a figure as tall as the door standing there and even though it just looked like a silhouette with no face. I felt like it was staring at me. So I turned my back facing the dining room and kitchen until I fell asleep. And in the morning it was gone.(This is all true, I promise.)One more: I went to my best friend Daveigh's house one weekend and we waited until it was night time to go swimming. There are neighbors way up the hill in the back of her house and I noticed a tall figure standing there with its "arms" (I guess) towards the sides of it.And just this morning, I heard scratching in the ceiling when I was getting ready for school. I get a lot of paranormal experiences at my house every now and then so if you need a new story, just ask and I'll probably have a new one.

 I get a lot of paranormal experiences at my house every now and then so if you need a new story, just ask and I'll probably have a new one

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