So when I was six, we moved into a new house when my parents married. The street seemed pretty nice and friendly but after a year of living there, crime began on the street. Then the paranormal began.
So one night I was asleep and I woke up to my mom calling the cops in the middle of the night. I asked what it was and she said that she woke to the baby gate in the hall shaking violently but she was afraid to look because she had the baby in her room, dad at work, my brother in his room, and I was in mine.
The house is small and our rooms were lined up at the end of the hall. The baby gate was at the end of the hall because my brother liked to sneak into the living room and play at night and do things he wasn't supposed to for he was only four years-old.
So nobody could've shook the gate that violently as everyone was asleep and we had no pets besides a fish. The odd thing was the front door was locked and they couldn't find anyone, but my mom had sat in her room and heard it shaking for a good amount of time.
So a year passed and the crime still continues. My grandmother came to babysit us while my parents went on a date to a nice hotel for a few days. My grandma went to bed that night at our house and as soon as everyone was asleep, I heard light footsteps creeping up the hall and back down, then back up, almost to my door, then stopping and going back down. I called my grandma in and she said that she saw nothing out there.
A couple years later, I was sitting on my bed doing homework. I have this electronic keyboard which I'd gotten for my birthday a year ago. It was under my bed and it started playing random notes, not even a song, but random notes and rhythm. So I called my siblings, thinking they were trying scare me but they never replied. So I looked under the bed and there was nothing! I sat and watched for a while, every time I reached to turn off the keyboard, it went off on its own and when I moved away, it went back on.
Then years later I was home alone with my brother and we decided to set up a camera in the living room, go into my room, be quiet, and see if ghosts walked past the camera. We stayed completely silent and turned off every single electronic device. We went in my room and made no noise.
After a while we viewed the video. We didn't see anything but heard a scary loud and clear giggle from the kitchen. Me and my brother called it the chucky laugh, as in the doll chucky because it sounded evil like. We were freaking out and the strange part of it is we never heard it during the recording process so how did it appear on the video? I still am trying to figure out how that's possible. I mean, a creepy evil giggle loud and clear on the recording that you didn't hear during the process. The giggle wasn't faint, it sounded loud and clear.
Lately there was an article on the web that was an interview of a man who lives on my street and so I read it. There is told to be a haunted house on our street and I don't know which house, but the interview on the web asked the man about the house and he gave a full story about his sightings. I don't know whether he still lives there or not. But if he doesn't, then I wonder if I'm living there now. I know it's my street because it's the same street name, zip code, state, everything, except house number for personal reasons. And I have no clue when the man was interviewed.
Lastly, I was on the bed with my pug and I was just going through Wattpad in the middle of the night. My pug sat up and stared closely, wide eyed, at something I couldn't see. She moved her head, as if watching something cross the room. She started sniffing and growling a lot. We don't have mice, bugs, and nobody else was there.
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