Told by RaeandaDog
The 'paranormal' and I have always had what you could call a peace treaty. I am not bothered by objects that others can hardly bear to touch, and don't usually feel that bone chilling fear others do. If this is the work of true respect, or protection (By a deceased sister, perhaps?)I'll never know.
Before you hear anything from me, know that I sleep in pitch black, total silence every night. The dark doesn't scare me, I have never felt threatened by strange sounds and odd sights. Almost like anything that would dare to bother me knows better, and is just poking fun with me. I get lots of those little things, model horses being moved a few inches, or clean paintbrushes being moved to the other side of the sink, where I never put things to dry.
So in general, nothing has been sinister, except for the rare occasion that my room is completely dark. I don't mean the usual dark. The moon is gone from sight, one way or another, and you can't see the stars either. That wouldn't be so terrible if it wasn't dead silent. My father isn't snoring, there are no crickets, no wind. It drowns you, and there is no escape. It's silent darkness that could make a Navy Seal cry for his mummy. On nights like that, I pretend to sleep until I find it's morning.
So the locket that my friend can't touch does admittedly feel heavier than it should, and unfriendly, but doesn't bother me. I don't ponder over the thing on the street I can't explain. I get along with the supernatural. But whatever makes that darkness is a force to be reckoned with.
Real Life Paranormal Experiences Part 1
Non-FictionPersonal, real-life paranormal experiences from the Paranormal Community. Because sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.