When I was young, and my parents were still dumb we lived in an apartment on sight of a storage facility. The apartment was located above the office, where you would go to rent spaces or trucks, or whatever you needed.
My mom was a wiccan back then, seances and Ouija boards were her style. My dad was just an innocent bystander. One year on halloween my mom had a party. At the end of the night when only the people too drunk to drive home were still at our house she decided to pull out her Ouija board.The storage facility was located right next to a freeway. It was so close that there was actually an accident on the freeway that caused a big rig to fall over the side and onto the property. Sadly, the man driving the vehicle died.
My mom tried to contact him using the Ouija board. She never told me whether or not it worked, I'm guessing so I wouldn't try it. A while after everyone had fallen asleep, my dad woke up. He claims to have seen a man in a cap standing at the foot of my mom's bed, just staring at her. I'm not sure what happened next, no one ever told me what happened after he saw the man. They slept with their bedroom with the door locked, and no one was in there. My dad never believed in the paranormal until that night.I was recently going through this big box of pictures that my mom has. There are hundreds of pictures, dating back to when my parents were sixteen, all the way up to a couple of months before they split up. Because of this huge timeline, of course there were going to be pictures of the creepy apartment as mentioned above. The creepiest was one of me, sitting static, and staring into a mirror.
I asked my mom why she took this picture. She told me it was because she was hoping to catch whatever I was talking to. She said that she would sometimes find me sitting in front of the mirror talking away to someone named Lisa. If my mom tried to pull me away I would kick and scream. I even bit her once. She had enough of it and changed jobs. After we moved out of that apartment, the mirror stuff stopped. To this day, I still wonder who, or what, Lisa was. And what did she want? Was there any connection to the Trucker?
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