I was around the age of 8 and I had never had a paranormal experience before, but I was trying to go to sleep but I couldn't so I was just laying in bed staring out the window at the stars. I had probably sat there for a half an hour lost in thought when suddenly my attention was brought back to the window, more specifically the edge of the roof where a head appeared. It looked like a dog was looking down at me from the roof, the creepy thing was that its skin was blue and it was glowing, but the eyes were like orbs of light. I couldn't look away or scream or anything. Then as fast as it had come it was gone, also after it left I swear I heard footsteps on the roof.
My grandfather passed away and my grandma was very upset so I stayed at her house. Also my cousins were there so all the beds were taken so I had to sleep in an unoccupied room with a mat. So I was sleeping then I randomly woke up and it was still dark out so I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't so I was just laying there on my back. Then I felt so pressure on my leg near my ankle and it wasn't a light pressure it was hard, and my grandma doesn't own any pets. It was on my lower leg for a minute then it started to slowly move up my leg. It got all the way up to mid thigh then stopped and I was freaking out in my head so I looked down at my leg and I saw an indentation where the pressure was. I got up and grabbed a night light because I was scared out of my mind.
This one is very recent and had happened a lot in the past month. So whenever of try to go to bed I have a hard time and I usually sleep with one leg out. So I'm just lying there minding my own business when one start to feel something touching my foot and like rubbing it softly, but when I look there is nothing there. Sometimes it doesn't stop at my feet, the thing goes up my leg and up my sides it sometimes stops at my neck for a bunch bit but mostly stays with my feet. It may not seem as creepy but it's extremely weird and very consistent. It's been happening more and more, almost every night.
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