I've recently moved into a house that was built in the 1970's. My mom instantly fell in love with it and we moved in as soon as we could. The family thought it was a good pick, the dog and cat loved it, and it was in a really cozy neighborhood.
The night after we officially moved in, my sister came into my room and asked if I'd seen her phone. I said no and an extremely confused look crossed her face. I asked her what's wrong and she answered that she had her phone on her in bed all night.
I helped her search the house for it, but we found nothing. A few days later I was sitting on my bed doing homework when I heard buzzing. I tried to find out where it was coming from and it was my closet. I searched my closet up and down with her, thinking she had accidentally dropped it in there somehow, but yet again we find nothing. Two days passed and my mom gets a call from our phone company, saying that someone had found her phone at my old house.
A week passes and I'm still spooked, wondering what the heck was buzzing in my closet. And then all the dreams come. The first nighmare-ish dream I had was one where I heard the same buzzing in the closet. My dream self gets fed up with it and tears my closet apart, looking for what was buzzing, when suddenly I kick the wall down. The wall falls, revealing a small, dimly lit room with a red chair sitting in the middle and a 1950's telephone sitting on it, buzzing.
Of course I'm like, what the heck is going on here, and I try to walk away, but then someone grabs my arm. I look to see who's stopping me and it's a little girl, dark blue dress, black hair with blue bows in it, but the only thing off is that the little girl is faceless.
I freak out, my heart is pounding, and I'm trying to find a way out, since my bedroom has disappeared and I'm now trapped in a room with no doors or windows. The little girl tightens her grip on my wrist then asks if I want to play with her. And then I wake up.
A few similar dreams fill my nights, where I'm trapped in a doorless and windowless room with the faceless girl who's asking me to play. And then I begin waking up with bruises and scratches on my back. At first my mom tried to tell me that it was just me scratching myself in my sleep, but I somehow knew it wasn't. Then the scratches on the floor began. I would sometimes wake up on my dreamless nights to the sounds of my dog scratching at the carpet. I brushed it off because I was too tired and groggy to do anything. But I would wake up the next morning to deep, deep scratches in my carpet, right in front of the closet. Of course, I was pretty freaked out by this, considering it was where I was in all of my nightmares with the little girl.
So, a few night later, I have the worst dream of them all. I'm trapped in the same room, same chair and phone with the little girl. She once again asks me if I want to play, but I can't speak or move. The little girl suddenly gets angry with me and takes out a pair of scissors and stabs them into my legs with full force, dragging them downwards.
The worst part is I can feel every thing, and it actually felt real. I was desperately inconsolable as she dragged the blades down my legs repeatedly. I finally woke up, kicking and screaming, only to realize it was just another dream. I didn't get another minute of sleep that night because I was so terrified.
The next day rolled around and I tried to forget about the dream, telling myself that it was just a dream and it's not actually going to happen. So I'm sitting in my room (which I seem to do a lot, haha) and just doing my thing, minding my own business, when I suddenly hear popping and cracking sounds coming from my ceiling.
I look up from my phone and my freaking ceiling fan just falls out of the ceiling and smashes down onto the floor. I freak out. I scream and run out of the room and my family runs in to see what happened. And still no one knows what happened; if it was just a fault in the house's foundation or something. My mom spoke with the landlords and they said that nothing like that had ever happened before. And, to this day, I have this huge hole in my ceiling where I can see straight into my freaky attic.
A few more of my little girl dreams have happened, and I constantly hear scratching and cracking in my walls at night. I'm completely terrified of my room now and sleep in my sister's room sometimes. The landlords are working on getting us the house history, since they don't know it themselves, but what happened to my ceiling fan and the faceless little girl might remain a mystery to me.
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