I think I had around 8/9 years old, and I lived in a house where my room was in the furthest end of the house, and every time I had to go to my room I had to pass my parents room.
EVERY SINGLE TIME I crossed my parents room to go to my room I would look into the pitch black of my parents room. After, maybe a year of living in that house, when I looked into the darkness of the room I would see a bulky man and his dog standing there. The man was dressed as a typical lumberjack with red with squared pattern kind of shirt. His dog was enormous. They just stood there looking at me.
At first I wasn't afraid, but then the man and his dog stayed there in the darkness for every day ever since. Still I looked at him every day. I thought that is was my imagination until one day I was preparing for bed and washing my teeth and the door to the bathroom was slightly open and I looked outside and the dog was there staring at me. He showed me his teeth and I felt so scared that I closed my eyes, while shaking. When I opened my eyes again he wasn't there anymore.
I don't remember how much time had passed but I eventually told my mom, and I showed her where I saw the man and the dog and that I was scared. My mom assured me that it was my imagination and she explained to me that when we stared at a picture or a painting for a while and then look at the wall, the picture would appear there as well. Of course being little as I was, I kinda believed her.
Eventually I moved from that house and I never saw the dog or the man again.
The next thing that happened was 6 years ago when my parents finally bought an apartment instead of renting it. Turns out that the house once belonged to a writer that wrote a forbidden book about drugs, back in 1950. My house and my garage were full of boxes with the book that was taken down from the stores. The writer had died and so the sons sold the house.
Besides the books, in the house was also other things and some glasses, that I believe belonged to the writer.
My parents took me to visit the house and whilst I was there, I was in the hall, facing the living room, behind me was only the bathroom with no windows at all. All of the sudden a bright light shone behind me and I turned around, but it was gone. I didn't think anything at the time. I then told my mom, and being a total believer as she is, she told my that it might be the man that lived there, making sure his house was well taken care before crossing over.
When I moved to the house the first days It was all good but as the time progressed I started to really be afraid of the house. I wouldn't walk into a room without closing my eyes and turning on the light, I wouldn't stay alone in the house. NEVER. I wouldn't go to the bathroom during the night and I refused to sleep with the lights off (and I never was a afraid-of-the-dark kind of kid). I was so scared to be in that house. The situation became so extreme that my mom had to buy me a presence light so I could sleep. Nothing like this ever happened to me.
About two years after, I became calmer and not so afraid of the house.
Until one day I was in my room on the computer. My brother was in his room and my mother was in the living room (the other extreme of the house). Everything in the house was silent. Suddenly I heard CLEARLY someone calling my name inside my room. Kinda like when you loud whisper to someone. That voice called my name.
I answered with a "yeah?" It took me about 5 seconds to realize that I did not know that voice and that it called me inside my room. I ran to my brother's room to ask if he called for me. "No," he said. He had his headphones on. Then I ran to my mother and she also didn't called. If she did she would talk loudly and I would recognize. I laughed in fright with my hands on my face, my mom was clearly worried. I told her that I heard someone call my name in my room. She smiled and assured me that whoever it was it didn't mean to scare me or hurt me.
We went to my room and closed the door. We asked for whoever was there to leave in peace. Then we lit a candle. That was the first and last time I heard my name.
Another time was when I went with my boyfriend's family to put flowers on a late uncle of his. I was never much to go to cemeteries, I would only go once a year with my mother to visit my grandfather and it was only very peaceful for me, until that day with my boyfriend.
When we stopped by the grave and waited my mother in law to put flowers, my whole body felt heavy and I wanted to cry really badly, and a tear rolled down my cheek. My father in law asked me if I was crying and I exploded right there. I started crying violently and sobbing really loudly, like I couldn't control myself. My boyfriend had to practically drag me from there to the car, and he got really worried because I couldn't breath from all the crying. When I left the cemetery I felt better.
After that I tried my best to avoid cemeteries until the day my father-in-law died, March of 2013. Of course I had to go the funeral and enter the cemetery.
I cried, of course, but when we followed the casket to its final resting place I was holding onto my mom and again my body felt heavy and I couldn't breathe. I could barely keep my eyes open. I felt like fainting. It was really difficult to maintain balance. My mom whispered to me to try and control myself and exclude the bad spirits. I closed my eyes and imagined a bubble around me and it worked. I managed to keep up with the rest of the funeral and support my boyfriend and his mom.
After that I forced myself to lose the fear of the dark and the house and cemeteries.
I improved significantly. I'm no longer afraid of the house, I sleep with the lights off, I look into dark rooms, I stay alone at home all the time and I visit my father in law's grave without freaking out.
I wanted to share this with you so I could somehow free myself and talk about what happened without fear of being mocked.
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