Pretty much everyone has heard of the ouija boards and how they are supposed to communicate with spirits but there are many variations of this. One in particular is the Charlie Charlie challenge.
Earlier this year a few stupid boys in my class decided to mess around in our lessons by trying the Charlie Charlie challenge. They weren't doing it properly because they would blow the pencils to make them move. We all thought it was absolute stupidity until strange things started happening.
One English lesson they were once again trying to raise the spirit of Charlie when everyone heard this loud banging noise. Our teacher didn't notice, but everyone one in the class did. We got up to check out the window in case in was a bird, but nothing was there. We had to sit down because our teacher threatened us with a whole class detention.
Strange occurrences happened for the rest of the week, but not many teachers believed us. I decided to ask my dad about it in case he knew anything. He said, "I don't exactly believe in ghosts, but I think there are some sort of spirits out there and most of them are bad news. Those boys have no idea what they are getting themselves into."
One of the most significant events that happened was a few weeks ago. I was in my bedroom reading my book. I was the only one in the house as my mum was working in our office. I heard the sliding door open and slam close. Then heavy footsteps came down our hallway straight towards my bedroom. I stayed still afraid to move. Once I was sure the footsteps were gone I checked the house. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I figured it must've been my mum coming down to get something but when I confronted her later that night she said she had been in the office nearly all day.
I have have had smaller incidents like banging and whispers in my walls, lights turning off for ten minutes then turning back on even though the bulb is brand new and creaking floor boards in the middle of the night.
The idiotic boys have stopped trying to raise Charlie, but there has been some paranormal situations occurring lately. Even though not everyone believes in spirits, ghosts or paranormal beings it is definitely a bad idea to mess around with them because you have no idea whether they are good or evil.
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