A Taunting Presence

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Told by theartlifeisgoodlife

It was a typical Wednesday afternoon, and I had woken up to the rumbling of the garbage truck outside (it was garbage day).

At that time, I had curtains draped over my bed to make my bed a cave. Suddenly, a huge gust of wind shot through my curtains and rustled my hair. I sat up and checked to see if my window had come open. It was bolted shut. My door was closed. My fan was off.

I laid back down, slightly freaked out but I didn't think much of it, as I had a wild imagination. It was early, so I closed my eyes and pushed my comforter down a bit. I felt the comforter being pulled up and over my head, and left there. I opened my eyes, really scared now. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, my curtains over my bed started rattling and shaking violently. My eyes were as wide as saucers -- actually, wider than saucers. That did it. I shot out of bed and screamed my way out my door, looking back into my room. The lights were flashing and my fan was cutting on and off.


This is just something I've noticed --

In my bedroom, I have a huge basket of stuffed animals, filled to the brim.

Every morning, I get up and get dressed to go to school, and there are always three stuffed animals on the ground.

And every morning they are different.

Somehow, the ones from the previous morning put themselves away and others "fall" out.

Now, you might say, "They just fall out, nothing creepy." But the ones that "fall" are usually from towards the bottom. See my problem?

It creeps me out sometimes.

It creeps me out sometimes

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