Chapter 2

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Serena's POV:-

It's almost time of show to end and still no sign of Ash. I am praying all this time for him to come and meet me. 'Please come fast Ash, I want to see you, please,please come fast' I was praying in my mind again and again but still no sign of Ash. At last show's ending as come. I don't see Ash anywhere, I kept searching and searching but I can't found any leads. I decided to call him but what if he decided to meet me at morning. I really am hoping he'll surely meet me after show but does look like it's just a fantasy. I am feeling really sad. As we started to walk out of the stage. Shauna grabbed my shoulder and said "You are looking kinda sad, what's wrong". I am sad because Ash might not meet me now so I replied "I am ok! You don't have to worry Shauna". "You are sad because Ash didn't come, don't you! Serena". Shauna asked in response I just shook my head. "You her don't you Shauna, she'll act all messy, but when he call she'll smile like she never been sad in her whole life." Meitte made fun of my emotions.  "Don't you know, I am sad, so don't make fun of me." I replied in little mad tune. "Sorry! Sorry! I know you are feeling so sad, haa!" Meitte told me. She just started to tease me. "Are you trying to pick fight with me, Meitte" I bare all this teasing. "I don't! I just want to tell you that HE may call you, don't you want that Serena." Meitte said. Actually what she said make me relax a bit but I didn't reply If I do she'll tease me even more. "Stop! Meitte don't tease Serena so much" Aria said. "But that's true he'll call her everytime when she is sad" Meitte said. Yeah! That's right Ash always calls me when ever I am feeling low, I don't know how he finds out but always calls me at the right time. I think it's the power of love. "Oh! Guys I don't think he will because he already informed Serena" Korrina said. Huh! How do she knew. "It's true isn't it! Serena I heard all the talk when you were in bathroom" Korrina said looking at me with smirk.

Flash back:-
Third Person POV:-

In the dressing room after Serena lied and excuses from the group. Everyone is busy with their outfits, designs on them, their make-up and performance on stage. Then suddenly Aria call's Serena's name "Serena, come Here look at these designs". But Serena was busy calling Ash in the bathroom so Meitte replied "Serena isn't Here! she probably sneaking on us to have privacy with HER Ash, you know". "If Serena isn't Here! Then Meitte come look at these designs" Aria called so Meitte ran to her side. But some found something interesting in bathroom so they group up and enter there quitely and heard Serena talking.

"Huh! Hey Ash"
"I was... I mean I was just thinking about something"
"yes! Ash"
"Don't need to say sorry, Ash I am not sad but are you coming or"
"huh! Why Ash is something wrong "
"That's ok! Ash so when do we meet"
"Ash it's good either way but stay safe and don't hard on yourself ok!"

All the girls there are smiled at what they heard. But they all have some funny things in their minds.

Flash back ends.

Serena's POV:-

Korrina just revealed that she got me talking to Ash. I thought I completely kept them in dark about this but looks like total opposite happened. Suddenly Aria's phone rang so she took it. "Girls, I join later Ok!" Aria said. I was hoping for phone to ring from Ash's call saying he is here. "So, Serena what do you think, does he coming or" Meitte teased me. I replied as soon as possible. "Ash said he is coming alright, problem is just I don't when" I said in mad tune but last some words make me sad. I wish to see him soon. "Oh! So Serena do you think he will call you" Shauna asked. I don't have an answer. "Surely he will call you, don't he!" Meitte said. It was a good thing to hear but does she meant it as a teasing or what. "Well! Serena, what do you think do you feel he'll call you" Concetta asked. "It's nothing like I feel he will, but I sure wish to receive a call from him." I just wish that's all. Suddenly I felt an arm on my shoulder."Girls, that's it for today I have to go now, we'll catch up tomorrow." Aria said. "Ok! Bye" Shauna, Meitte, Nini and Korrina Said in unison. "See you tomorrow, take care " me and Concetta said in unison. After that I wasn't in any mood to chat or argue. So I walked straight to hotel room I was been given. I was walking out side wearing a mask so I don't attract any kind of mob of people. I walked silently to hotel room. As soon as I reached my hotel room I checked time it was 8:37 pm in the night already so I once again checked my phone for any calls particularly for Ash's call but there wasn't any. I fall on bed soon my memories of Ash came running through. As I was lost in past memories. Suddenly I heard ringing of phone. I checked my heart skiped a bit it was Ash. I picked up and said "Hello! Ash". He replied "hey! Serena, so as I promised I reached Here". My heart starts to race as I hear him say he is here. " I am coming, just 1sec" I was so in a hurry. "Serena, don't rush I am infront of the hotel you mentioned as you are staying" Ash said so politely.

Author's Note:- That's it for the chapter 2. Story will continue to be amour shipping. Stay tuned for future chapters.

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