Chapter 35

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That day in the hospital room:-

Ash's POV:-

When, Serena suddenly started to cry. I tried to console her by hugging her. But; she continued to cry."If only I wasn't an idol. *sobbing* I... *sobbing* I would have been with you. *sobbing* I wouldn't have... *sobbing* let... *sobbing* something like this... *sobbing* this happen to you...".  Serena said; letting her emotions out. I didn't want to see her cry like this. And; I can't properly respond to her either. So; I needed a push go forward. "...So; are you dissatisfied with being an idol" i asked Serena. To take my decision on my feelings. I shouldn't have pushed this; this much time. Still; I have a chance to get everything to right. For now; I just need Serena's answer to my question. After that; I would definitely able to see all the things clearly. "I...*sobbing* I don't... *sobbing* want to be...*sobbing* idol,". Serena replied; still continued to cry in my arms. If; Serena really don't have any desire in being an idol. Then; the better choice would be to quit being an idol. It will only serve as an unnecessary burden on her. And; this may not the expected answer for me. But; it is the desired answer for me. As I steeled my courage. And; decided on my feelings. My heart started to beat at an unbelievable speed. And; felt like; all my words are stuck in my throat, refused to come out. For some more moments. I tried; I tried to arrange all my words. Which is currently scattered all around the place. Then; I closed my eyes thinking back at the past. The moment, I met Serena was, I don't know if, I can discribe it as fate. Since then; me and her got a real close friendship. We play a lot together and laugh together. And; mom and aunt Grace is also best friends. So, naturally we go on vacations together and all. So, I think, I know so much about Serena. And, it wasn't an exaggeration to think she knows about me that much also. Well then, I saw Serena grow up right beside me. She is so good at studies, sports and very talented too. On the other side, I didn't like studies so; I didn't paid anymore mind to it, than required. In sports well, I certainly enjoy playing and all. But; it requires so much energy and strength. I'm don't like calling myself lazy. But; I liked to take less stress and rest, so it's kinda like that. As we become teenagers, I was suddenly given an terrible burden and responsibilities. I can never forget about that, even if, I wanted to. Time didn't give me anytime to recover from the loss and adapt to the responsibility. Soon; Serena's singing and dancing talents caught some of the professional idol group managing agencies. To be Frank; I didn't wanted Serena to become one of the idols. But; because of the terrible burden on my head, I couldn't able to express my feelings. Since; I wasn't able to express myself, I decided to leave it to the fate. But; as time started to flow, my scares just became more intensified and horrible. I wanted to tell Serena about my feelings and at the same time; I wanted her to never noticed it. For better or worse; it became unable to avoid my feelings for her. Then, I ended up with making Serena notice my feelings for some extent. Well; even after that, I just continued on with my ignorance towards her feelings. But; in my last visit to Serena, when she was with her idol colleagues. I felt an ominous developments in her surroundings. I'm not quite sure yet. But, I don't have any intention of letting Serena get hurt physically or mentally. And, very important thing was happened on the spot of the accident I'm involved in. I heard a strange thing before, I passed out. I clearly remember all of it, so, there is no doubt in my mind. I did really heard that, and I'm still alive that's the proof of it. I was thinking a lot about it and got to the point where it all make sense. If, I tried to ask mom about this. She'll undoubtedly give me an even convenient story to match all of it and make sense. But; that's the problem, she won't tell me the truth instead. She'll build even convenient story of so many lies and insignificant few truths. Which will only cause even more confusion for me. So; I need to learn the truth on my own. But; I can't leave Serena like this. After all of this; I definitely can't. I decided to express myself at all of the costs. "So...!; will you marry me," I asked so nervous. Laterally, I can't believe, I said that. But, it's for the good, I think. After a few seconds, Serena looked at me lifting her face. I can still see tears in her cerulean blue eyes. She looks like completely surprised and confused. Did she wasn't able to clearly hear my proposal. I got confused too, but; I once again steeled my courage and my feelings. And, with breaking into few cold sweats and my heart beating very fast. I let word out of my mouth. "I know it's so sudden. But; still... I-I love... you" I said with shutting my eyes. I kept my eyes shut for few more moments. But; I didn't hear any response from Serena. With each passing second, my heart beat is getting so fast, it almost feels like my heart will fall down from chest. After, a few minutes which felt like decades of years. I felt my cheeks taken into cups. I slowly opened my eyes to see Serena's hands cupping my both the cheeks. "I love you too!" I heard a little whisper. And, Serena cupping my cheeks leaned result in our first kiss.

Author's Note:-
This is the last chapter of "Predilection of Love Part-1" of the story.
I'll be taking sometime before publishing "Predilection of Love Part-2". So take care and enjoy your time.

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