Chapter 8

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Serena's POV:-
"Huh! Ha! I said, I don't like my guest to sleep on floor while I am sleeping in bed" I replied but my cheeks are turning even more red. "So, Ash I want to you to sleep comfortably on the bed" I nervously said. "But, Serena where would you sleep then, there isn't a couch or sofa here, so you have to sleep on the floor if I sleep on bed" Ash explained. "I'll sleep on the floor, if you'll sleep on bed" I said but I don't want to sleep on floor. "Ok! Then good night" Ash said without a concern in his voice. Then sat on bed and started adjusting it. How can you say that to me. "Hruh! Hruh! Ash" I whispered to him. "Did you say something, Serena" Ash asked confused. "Yeah! I know that, I said i'll sleep on floor, if you sleep on the bed, but you know that, I don't like to sleep on floor" I said looking down nervously and I want him to see me as I am sad of sleeping on floor. "So, what do we do? I don't think we have an other option" Ash said with a concern voice. "We do have one more option" I said with so excitement. As soon as I said that I rushed to Ash's side and sat beside him. "Huh! What kind of option" Ash asked confused. "We can share bed between us, like you know as we did as children" I was so excited of the thoughts of us sleeping together that I bluntly said all of those words. As I imagine more and more about us sharing one bed I blushed so hard and red. "You're really considering that, I don't think that will work out this time" Ash said. I was so sad why do he has to be so stubborn all the time. But I am stubborn to so I said "but Ash, what's wrong in that, I don't think of any problems in it, I think it's the best thing to do". I put up my puppy eyes and grabbed his hand to convince him. "Huh! Serena you are making it difficult, Ok! I think I go along with you're plan" Ash said and I can sense some kind of hesitation in his voice. I became happy again and said "alright!". "Serena listen, I can sleep on floor too, you know" Ash said. Haa! Again that "I told you that I don't like you to sleep on floor right" I said with little strict voice. "But you know" Ash was trying to say something probably a excuse but I cut him off. "I said no right! And that's final, what if you caught cold and become sick or infected with some kind of becteria or alargy, what do I do then, I can never forgive myself for letting you sleep on floor" I said with concerned voice. Yeah! I really have a concern about his health too, afterall I love my Ash so much. "Ok! As you wish" Ash said. I was so happy to hear that and my mind started its games with crazy imaginations of me spending night with Ash. Ash was so relax then before I saw so we both adjusted and lied on bed. As hours start to flow I was unable to sleep with Ash beside me my mind is going crazy. And next to me, Ash is completely asleep just after 10-20 minutes in bed. And I was struggling so hard. So, I was thinking about Ash's habits in bed. He scrolls all around the bed and some times he even fell down of the bed to. I saw it happen more aften in childhood and I was thinking if he scrolls around now he will probably comes on top of me Or atleast he will hug me for sure. Just thinking about it makes me blush so hard but I wanted it to happen at any cost. It's been quite two hours since Ash fell asleep and according to his sleeping habits it's time to him for scroll around the bed but he isn't moving a bit. I was practically praying for him to start scrolling around and come to my arms. But looks like he isn't going to do that yet. I waited enough, I am getting some crazy ideas so, I grabbed my Ash's hand and bring it close to my heart. Then I slowly moved closer to Ash and snuggled his cheek with mine. I was feeling so heavenly that I forgot that Ash was asleep and snuggled so rough. Ash moved to side by my actions but didn't wake up, I guess I was lucky enough to get out of that akward situation. But still I cared no less as I kissed him on cheeks and I felt, I can't control my actions anymore as I continued on kissing him on his cheeks. Eventually I messed up his nape again and this time Ash wake up. "Serena, why are you grabbing onto my hand" Ash asked confused. I was caught red handed but still, I am don't willing to let go of his hand. "I was..haa! I was so scared, there are some weird noises outside so, I grabbed your hand, don't let go of me" I made up an excuse and threw my head onto Ash's heart. "Weird noises, but I don't hear any, which kind of noises are you hearing" Ash asked me gently rubbing my head with his hand. I really like this night and moments with Ash. "I was just laying on the bed for a minute then, suddenly I heard sound of some thing fell to the ground, at first I thought I imagined it but, then I heard it couple of more time, I am really scared Ash" I pretend to be scared and kept my head on Ash's heart. "It must be a rat or some insects, there is no need to be terrified about it, Serena" Ash said gently rubbing my head.

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 8. Hope you all enjoy it and stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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