Chapter 16

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Serena's POV:-
After, Ash treated us to ice cream. We all again hit the road. Meitte continue to tease me. I was becoming nervous of Meitte's words. But, I tried to be calm in front of my Ash. Even through, Meitte's comments making me nervous. I like to hold his hand, hug him, keep my head on his shoulder and kiss my Ash, like she said. I do have little dreams or ambitions connected my Ash.

???? POV:-
I was watching Ash walking in front of me. As much as, I can think of is that, he isn't new to this surroundings. I am getting the feeling, that, Ash as been here before. I don't know how else, I can explain this thing, I saw in his actions.

Serena's POV:-
We were going as planned. We are going to take a monorail to Hillcrest cliff. As we entered the railway station. We take tickets to Hillcrest. But train has half an hour of time left so, Shauna and Korrina went check out the monorail. Others too, went to check on station stores and etc. I didn't left my Ash. Me and my Ash was roaming around the station, together. No one is arround us, we are all alone, just the two of us. Ash was asking me, about the life as celebrity and all the pressures, I face. He is also treating me to some snacks and all. I was feeling so good. As I gained all the time, I lost without seeing my Ash.

???? POV:-
As know train will be leaving after half an hour. Everyone went on their own way to explore the railway station. I wanted to talk to Ash, but, I lost him. I tried to find him but, no luck. I just hope, I can find him and she is not with him.

Serena's POV:-
I was enjoying the time that, I am spending with my Ash. but for my bad luck, time raced to the time of train leaving came. We all reunited and boarded the train. I was sitting next to my Ash. Train was quick so, we reached our destination quickly. We explored the Hillcrest for a while. We took a walking route to get down the hill. We noticed some banners about a celebrity couple's wedding. I do dream about getting married to my Ash and being called Ms.Ash Ketchum. "Earth to Serena" Meitte snapped me out of my imagination. "Huh! What happened?" I said nervously, keeping my voice low. "Nothing just you are walking in sleep, you need to consult a doctor" Meitte sarcastically whispered to me.

 "Nothing just you are walking in sleep, you need to consult a doctor" Meitte sarcastically whispered to me

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"MEITTE!" I got frustrated but. As I realised my Ash is there. I snapped out the anger. I don't want him to feel disappointed, weird and terrified by my actions. As I calm myself down. "Meitte, I am not sleep walking, and one who needs to consult a doctor is you" I calmly whispered to Meitte. "Umm! What are you talking about?" Meitte acted like she never said anything about consulting doctor. "Tell me, what do you think of marriage, Serena" Meitte asked me. I can feel my face burning up. Ash is the only person and love is the only thing that, I can think of now. "Hey! Serena, Serena!" Meitte called for me and waving her hands in front of my face. "Huh!" As I realised, what she asked me, I can't able to be calm. "Ohh! Poor Serena!" Meitte sarcastically whispered to me. "Hey! What do you mean?" I whispered back with frustration. "Nothing, Ash can I ask you something" Meitte sarcastically said as she turned to Ash. What is she pulling here. "Yeah! Sure" Ash said without any hesitation. "Um! Can you see that banner" Meitte said as she pointed to a certain banner. "I do have eyes so, yeah I can" Ash said casually. Everyone signed at this. "I didn't mean, you can see it with eyes, I mean do you know what is it about?" Meitte explained. "Huh! What it is about?" Ash said he, looked at it for a second. "Umm! It looks like some movie banner to me" Ash said. Everyone fell to ground by my Ash's dense personality. If I have to say, I thought same for the first time when I heard of them getting married. "Look at it clearly it's a marriage banner" Meitte said, this time little annoyed. "How can you say it's real, maybe they have a marriage scene in movie or something like that" Ash said. That's the same thing, I thought when I saw something like their marriage. They are movie actors so, their is a complete possibility of it. But eventually my friends here filled me up with this rumours and I came to know it's true. "No! It's true, they are really marrying each other" Meitte said annoyed. "Are you complete sure, it's not any movie scenes or something else" Ash asked. "Oh! Man, I am sure, both of them are really a couple" Meitte said completely annoyed. "It's true! I thought like that first but I find out it completely true" I said to Ash. "If you say so," Ash just shoke it off. "So, Ash now that Serena approved it, would you agree now" Meitte sarcastically asked Ash. "Ok!" Ash didn't argue this time. "Huh! So now, the question, what do you think of marriage" Meitte sarcastically asked Ash looking at me. "Huh! What I think of marriage" Ash said. "Yeah! Tell me, I hearing" Meitte sarcastically said. "I think, in marriage there you can find very delicious and variety of foods, I really like it" Ash said. Again everyone fell to ground by Ash's reply. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Just kidding, marriage is a lifelong promise to someone we love to keep them in our heart and take care of them" Ash said. But that was, what I- "isn't that right, Serena" Ash asked me. Everyone turned to me.

"You're always right" I said to my Ash

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"You're always right" I said to my Ash.

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 16. Hope you'll enjoy reading it. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

Sorry guys by some system problem. Chapter 17 is slipped between Chapter 3 and Chapter 2. Hope you'll understand.

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