Chapter 3

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Serena's POV:-

"Serena, don't rush I am infront of the hotel you mentioned as you are staying" Ash said so politely. My heart starts to beat faster and faster. I am gonna see Ash in person after two and half months. Ash said to don't rush but I can't wait to see Ash. As I rush to window to see Ash. " Hello! Hello! Serena are you there" Ash asked. But I was so got up with the sight of Ash that I lose control of myself. ' I missed you Ash' I thought.

Suddenly he looks up to windows and looked at me

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Suddenly he looks up to windows and looked at me. " Haa! There you are, Serena, I was speaking with you, you know! Well anyway is that's where you are staying." Ash asked me. "Huh! Yes As..h" I was about to ask something but cut off by Ash. "I am coming, you don't rush here, ok!" Ash said. As soon as he is said that he cut off the call. ' Ash, cut off the call. oh! No I want to speak more to him, but no problem since he already coming to me.' even though Ash said to stay right here. But my heart wasn't listening to my mind or words so rushed what I supposed to not to do. As I ran through stairs I started to hear another pair of shoes sounds. As moved on I kinda messed up my steps so I more than just lost my balance. I started to slowly fall but suddenly I felt pair of arms around me.

 I started to slowly fall but suddenly I felt pair of arms around me

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It was Ash, he is holding me from falling down. Keeping me close to his heart I can hear his heart beats clear. Most of all is Ash is hugging me it's not the first time and definitely not the last either but staying close to him like this feels so good and brings back lots of memories.

 Most of all is Ash is hugging me it's not the first time and definitely not the last either but staying close to him like this feels so good and brings back lots of memories

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I was completely lost in his arms and love. "Serena, are you OK!" Ash asked softly. "Huh!" I quickly pulled myself away from his arms. Even though I never wanted to do that I did it because I has't told him how I feel about him. So without knowing he knows how I feel or not makes that hug kinda awkward and I don't want any thing like that in between me and Ash. "Yes! I'm completely fine. And thanks for saving me" I said. At this moment I was feeling so shy to eye contact with him so I was looking down. "don't need of thanks! Serena, btw I told you to stay at your place. Don't I!" He scolded me. But it was Ash so I was completely fine even happy to know how much he cares for me. But I didn't reply to that actually I don't have any words. "Are you ignoring me" Ash asked. No! Huh "No! I am not ignoring you, Ash" I replied. "If you are not ignoring me, then why don't you answer my questions, huh!" Ash said. "well, Ash I was just..just" what do I say, I came to see you . No! No! He would probably say ' I was caming for you, you know!' I was lost. I can't found any excuses. "You are just, Say it Serena, I don't mind" Ash said. So I decided to say " I was just worried that you" what do I say " that's right don't lost in hotel, I was just helping you find my room." I pulled it off. "OH! That's right, I never thought of it, Ha! Ha! Ha!" Ash laughed. So, I made him smile, didn't I! Now that's he is Here I don't want to do anything but to with my Ash. It's so exciting. "So, Serena show me your room" Ash asked. That's my command so I led the way back to room. I showed Ash my room then I make him sit on bed and I took seat next to Ash. Then we exchanged greetings and good wishes to our family, friends and future. And speaked lot about our childhood memories and moments we spent together. As we continued to speak. Suddenly someone knocked on door. I got pretty irritated on this kind of stuff especially when I am with my Ash. I choose to not to respond. Seems Ash didn't heard the noise so why do I bother looking who they are. My phone starts to ring too making me even more irritating. But I ignored it. But this time looks like Ash heard the noise. "Serena, looks like your phone is ringing" Ash said. Holy crap! I wish I never had a phone. "Don't worry! Ash, looks like some scam call." I lied. But I don't want anyone or anything to interrupt me and my Ash's time together. But again someone knocked on door and hard too.Ash heard this time. "Serena, someone's on the door" Ash said. Oh! No! I don't want this. But anyway Ash told me so I check who they are and teach them never to interrupt my time with Ash. I walked leaving Ash back and I opened it just a bit see who they are. As I checked. I found two girls standing in there. one with brown long hair and another with Blue short hair. Huh! What does Meitte doing there. If she meets Ash then it will a disaster so I have to avoid it at any cost. So I hand signed Ash that I go and speak to them and for him comfort here. I opened just as much as I needed to get through it to go out side and as fast as I get out side I closed the door completely. They noticed me and Meitte was about to yell my name. But I stopped her. Saying in the next room. Someone old is sleeping. I need to make sure she doesn't get suspicious about me hiding something from her. And can't speak louder cause Ash may hear them and come outside too.

Author's Note:- that's it for the chapter 3. Stay tuned for more Amour shipping moments. See you all soon. For now BYE.

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