Chapter 24

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11 years ago:-

Grace's POV:-
"Do you know, using word 'My' to describe a person means that they--" I was cut off by Serena. "Ash belongs to me and I belong to my Ash, doesn't it" my daughter said keeping her hands on her heart. How do I respond to it? As far as I can tell. She won't accept it even if, I say. And the big problem is it can break her heart. I certainly don't want that. I should let her think that way right now. After that, I can slowly and steadily make her understand. She is just a child after all. "Tell me mama, does it wrong" Serena asked me with teary eyes. "Does it" Serena forced me to answer her. "No! It doesn't, Ofcourse you can call a very good friend as yours" I replied. I don't want to make situation even more worse than it is now. "Ash is more than a friend, much, much, more" my daughter cried. She is so stubborn as always. Still, I can't afford to leave my daughter's feelings for Ash be the same. I have to fix it. But, I can't imagine myself fixing it anytime sooner.

End of the Flashback:-

Grace's POV:-
I really tried a bunch of times to make my daughter's feelings to change. Even after putting all the efforts to make that happen, I miserably failed every time. I didn't have a problem with their friendship. What I wanted is Serena to stop hervasting feelings for Ash, one sided. But, now I do wish those feelings can give her courage to make it true.

Serena's POV:-
I am already done with the meeting with our idol group's associates. Currently, I am on the shopping trip with my friends. After a long time picking and trying dresses, cosmetics and many things. We were almost done shopping and it's afternoon already. So, we thought of taking a lunch break. We went to the one of prestigious restaurants nearby because of Korrina. She is really foodie of all of my friends. If she keeps on eating like this, in the future. She is gonna get really fat and have to face lot of problems. I didn't mean anything harsh. I am just trying to tell that. If anyone unintentionally got fat, then. They are going to face problems like. They can't get out of the door, if it's a smaller one. After that they have to start daily diet, by which, they have to bare hunger and can't able to eat as much as they wanted.

???? POV:-
Me and my friends actually whom, I suppose I can call friends. Were on the shopping, relaxing. Talk about that later. Now, I am just too occupied with memories of yesterday. I was not that impressed by the memories all too well. Because, in everyone she is right next him. In all of them, talk about obsession. I should be the one and only girl that deserves to be next to him. And thinking about that reminded me that, Serena is flying home at evening. Does, she planning something to bother Ash. I really don't have a clue about that. So, I need to find out, what's made her fly to her home. I wasn't able to think anything then him. So, is she really going home just to mess with Ash. It's been afternoon and we were inside the restaurant so, this may be best time to know what's on her mind. "This place has really good deserts you guys, hmm!" Korrina said the first word. Good deserts, I couldn't care less. I am wasn't here for anything else than. But, figure out Serena's cruel motivés. "So, Serena what do planning on doing" I asked her, planting a slight smile. I have to make sure she doesn't got on to me. "I-I don't have any plans" she replied so calmly. "Hey! What do you mean by saying you don't have any plans" Meitte sarcastically asked adding some spice. Exactly, what does she mean by saying that, that's where Ash supposed to live, doesn't he. So, how can she even stay so calm with her crush around. I mean, just one sided crush to be clear. "Tell us, are you planning some suprise moves to caught your Ash's attention, huh!" Meitte sarcastically asked and started pushing Serena playfully. Yeah! That's exactly what I wanted to know, and don't say 'Your Ash' to her and 'My Ash' by her. "Hey! Hey! You're going little too fast, I wasn't planning on anything like that" Serena said with hesitation. I can see her totally become a red tomato. "Even though, My Ash wasn't there, Ok!" Serena said it with little disappointment and anger. I can understand her disappointment and anger, but if what she says really true than. Where did he even went last night. "What? Does it really true" Meitte asked in disappointment. Why is she disappointed? "Yeah! He is there" Serena said. However, this time, I can completely detect her sadness in those words. "You better tell us the truth, you know" Meitte sarcastically said. She looked Serena with really suspicious eyes. As much as I know by her tone, she is telling the truth. Yeah! No doubt about it in my mind. "Why should I even lie to you guys?" Serena asked Meitte with I am not bending down look. "Don't you remember the night before yesterday" Meitte sarcastically said with mischievous smile. "Huh! Umm! I wasn't did anything wrong, ok!" Serena said. But she is either nervous or embrassed by that. Honestly what happened night before yesterday. I wanted to ask but Meitte's words got my attention. "Hey! Serena, at the Pledging tree festival, did neither of you and Ash happened to confess each other" Meitte asked this one with seriousness. I choked all the water, I have drinking. "Actually, I don't think he has any feelings like Serena for Serena guys!" I said with pride in the voice. Even though I couldn't able to make her sad.

Author's Note:- That's it for the chapter 24. Hope you'll enjoy reading it too. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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