Chapter 21

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Serena's POV:-
We were at the 'Pledging Tree' watching fireworks display after my Ash give me gift. But, now my Ash received a call from Gary. As my Ash walked some distance from me for talking with Gary. I wonder what can it be? Is it something about returning home. If that's the case, than me and my Ash can return home together. But, I don't think it's that. As far as, I know Gary he isn't the type of guy who calls just for talking. Is that means he is making my Ash work. How bad of a person is he. "Is He is talking to his Girlfriend" Meitte sarcastical voice startled me. "What? What are talking about?" I asked Meitte. "I just asked, is that his girlfriend" Meitte sarcastically asked. "Who's girlfriend" I said in confusion. I don't have any clue what she is talking about. Meitte face palmed hearing my response. "Ok! I get it, you only think, yourself as Ash's girlfriend, don't you" Meitte said. "Huh! My Ash's girlfriend, that I-I" I blushed so madly. 'Girlfriend of my Ash' it really feels something else. "Earth to Serena" Meitte said as she was waving hands on my face. "Hey! What are you doing, stop it" I said little irritated. "Who is he talking to" Meitte sarcastically asked. "You mean on the phone" I asked for confirmation. "Yeah! Tell me is it a girl" Meitte sarcastically asked. "Huh! What are you talking? My Ash doesn't talk to random girls" I said irritated. "I wasn't talking about random girls either" Meitte said. "So, what were you talking about" I said still irritated. "Uuh! I was asking who is at the call, that's all" Meitte asked. "Umm! My Ash was talking to his friend" I said. "Ohh! So, who is this friend, is this friend a girl or boy or what is the age of this friend" Meitte sarcastically asked me. "Huh! He is a boy" I said. "A boyyy!" Meitte said in disappointment. "Yeah! So what of it" I said dropping sweat. "Um! It would had been fun, if it's a girl" Meitte sarcastically said. I understood, what she is planning? She wants to tease me with that.

Ash's POV:-
I was talking to Gary, He was filling me up with the situation right now. And it isn't any good news. I should leave from here quickly. I don't want, Serena to be in any kind of trouble because of me.

???? POV:-
I was noticing Ash from the moment he got that call. Meitte was creating a scene here. Asking Serena, if she is his girlfriend. Shut the crap, everyone knows she lacks the courage to tell him. How she really feels about him. Even if she had that courage or confession happened by some miracle. Ash would have rejected her. Why won't he? He has me after all. But, right now, I was noticing that His eyes are turning to different directions. But, he wasn't moving his head. Maybe because, he doesn't want anyone to know what he is doing. Or it can be that, he lost something and finding it. However, I don't think he lost anything. I think it's about someone. That he wants to see here or he definitely doesn't want to see here. That was the case for me atleast. I don't want Serena here or anywhere near him. But, she keeps on proving me wrong. always sticking with Ash, just like a glue.

Serena's POV:-
After my Ash finished talking to Gary. He came to me and said "Serena, I should go now, thanks for today". It made me so sad. Huh! Is leaving now, but, I want to spend more time with my Ash. "Why are you leaving now, atleast stay till morning" I said sadly. I don't want to show my sadness to my Ash. But, I wasn't able to, I want just little more time. Just little more time with my Ash. "Sorry! But, I have a really important work, so, I must go now" Ash said. I want my Ash to stay with me, however my Ash wants to go so, I can't able to stop him. Just like, I always can't. As I said ok!. After that we all walked with my Ash to the railway station. As we reached railway station, my Ash said bye to me. I too said bye but, he is the person that, I never want to say bye to. But, I can't send my Ash of with crying face so, I was trying not to cry. I don't know how much time does, I have to spend to see my Ash again. Last time it was 4 weeks before that, I got to see my Ash.

Ash's POV:-
I was able to see Serena is not happy with me leaving. But, I don't have any choice, neither did she. After all, Serena must learn to live without me. She must accept, I can't be with her. I don't even know, I will see Serena again or not.

Serena's POV:-
I hate times like this, I hate being an idol is also for the same reason. But, since my Ash was the one who choose this for me. And after every show of me, he calls or comes and compliment me. I don't he really watched it or even heard of it. He only compliments it as amazing. But,my Ash doesn't mentions anything specific of that perticular concert performance. So, I don't know, He likes it or not. And after every thought like this. which is what I think all the time when my Ash wasn't near me. A dought arises, is my Ash really likes me. If-If-If, I don't want to think about it. But, If it's really turns out to be true. There will be no meaning in life.

My thoughts were eating me as

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My thoughts were eating me as. My Ash's train starts moving. "Huh! Stay safe A-Ash" I said through crying.

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 21. Hope you'll enjoy reading it too. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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