Chapter 28

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Serena's POV:-
I successfully landed in Viridian city's airport. It's was still early morning and the sun is still rising. I took my luggages, then I started to walk to my house. Gary joined me on the way. I did, ditched him at the airport. But, he just won't give up. He caught upto me after wards. I tried to ask him, as many questions I can. but, he didn't spill a thing, that is important. soon after, we reached pallet town. It's feels good to be back. Gary's house is also just a few steps ahead of mine and my Ash's house. He is a good friend of my Ash, that's for sure. But, I don't want my Ash to pick up, any of his bad habits or manners. we soon reached at my house's doorway. "So, I should head to my way, see you later" Gary said and left for his own home. "Yeah! See you later" I replied and head to my house's entrance. "Mama! I am home" I said before opening the door. It was strange, my mama always comes running to me. When ever, I get back from the trip. So, why is mama taking so long. I tried to open the door. Much to my surprise, door was locked. Did, mama went somewhere. She never does anything like this. Maybe, something must be important. Ok! Then, I think, I have to wait for mama this time. Fortunately, I did have a extra key to my house. I went in to the house, first, I checked for mama all over the house. Incase, she is still sleeping. "Mama!.. are you here!" I said smoothly and slowly. Don't wanted to make mama panic, if she is still sleeping. I checked, but, I wasn't able to find her. That must mean, only one thing. Mama, went somewhere outside.

Grace's POV:-
After, Delia convinced me. I was going as fast as, I can go. Still, I am not sure, I can reach home before, Serena does. However, I should, atleast try to reach there, before she does. After few minutes, I nearly reached my home. As I got closer to our house, I noticed, the lights were on. That must mean, Serena is already home. I quickly got to our house and opened the door. "Serena, I am home, where were you" I said entering the house. "Mama! I am here" I heard, Serena's voice. I followed her voice and got to see her.

Delia Ketchum's POV:-
After, Grace left for her home. I sat on a banch alone. I hope, Grace reaches her daughter, before. she can find out about Ash's situation. I don't want her to cry too. I was left there waiting and praying for good. After a few moments, the red light glowing on top of the, operation theatre turned off. I heard sounds of door opening. Doctors started to come out of the room. A senior doctor came to me. "Doctor!" I asked in a low tone. "It's ok! Mrs.Ketchum, Your son's condition has been stabled" doctor replied to me. All the tears, I've been holding back, started flowing down rapidly. "Thank you so much! Doctor" I thanked them holding their hands. "I really am grateful for you all!" I thanked them, once more. "Can I-can I, see him" I asked them, wiping my tears. "Not now! Soon we'll shift him to a observation room, then you can see him" Doctor said. "Thanks! Doctor, you are very helpful" I thanked them, once more. "Don't mention it, I just did, what I has to, that's all" doctors replied and left. I thanked God for this too, then. I thought, I should tell this to Grace. So, I called to her phone, I heard her phone ringing. Then, I noticed, her phone was ringing here. I looked around and found her phone. She forgot her phone here. Well, I think, I can call her on house landline. I dailed her landline number, after a few bips! She picked it up. "Hello! Ash's situation stablized! I am so grateful to God, doctor said, I can see him in few moments, hey! Why? Are you not talking, Grace" I was so happy that, I didn't give her anytime to speak.

Grace's POV:-
"Mama! I am here" I heard, Serena's voice. I followed her voice and got to see her. She was holding our telephone. As, I saw her, she looked all paled, shocked and sad. I can see, tears forming in her eyes. I quickly rushed there and took telephone from her hands. "Hello!" I said. Did, she find out about Ash's situation. But, who would have said that to her. "Hello! Why are you not talking Grace, I am feeling like, I am talking to myself" I heard Delia's voice. Did, Delia told her, No! I don't think, she would. "The line here, isn't good, so, is it about something important" I can't let her know, her mistake. Not now, atleast. "Yeah! Ash's situation stablized, I am so happy!" I heard Delia's cheerful voice. "That's great news! I hope, he recovered faster" I replied happily. I can understand, why Serena was in verge of crying. I turned to my daughter, tears were already started to flow down her cheeks. "Delia, if you don't mind, can I call you later" I asked Delia. "Oh! Yeah! Serena's home, say her hii from me" I heard as, Delia hanged the call. I put telephone back to its place. I turned my attention towards, my daughter. "Serena, we are really sorry!" I said in a low voice. I hugged her, to make her feel good. "Ma*sobbing* -mama, *sobbing* why didn't *sobbing* I-I was *sobbing* told abo-*sobbing* about this" Serena asked me crying. I can understand, her feelings. But, I can't do anything but, pray!. "Serena, don't be sad! Ash is alright now" I tried to console her. "BUT, WHY DIDN'T, I'VE BEEN TOLD ABOUT THIS EARLIER" Serena yelled at me.

Author's Note:- That's it for the chapter 28. Hope you'll enjoy reading it too. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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