Chapter 9

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Serena's POV:-
"It must be a rat or some insects, there is no need to be terrified about it, Serena" Ash said gently rubbing my head. "But, I am scared and I can't sleep, nightmares are scaring me" I said so to make sure Ash don't leave my side. "Ok! Ok! You can hold my hand and I guarantee you'll be alright" Ash said as he gave me permission to hold his hand. Since we both are done with our words Ash suggested to go to sleep. Since I got what I wanted, I agreed to sleep but mind has other plans ofcourse all connects to Ash. Ash and I laid down on bed holding hands and this time, Ash is facing me so, I can feel his breathing. I wanted kiss him but since he is still awake, I can't take that risk. I closed my eyes and waited for Ash to be asleep again and after some time he fell asleep so, as I wanted i tried to kiss my Ash, if I am successful in today, I mean tonight, this is going to be my first kiss. I closed my eyes and slowly moved forward, as I got closer to his face I can feel his breathing. As I moved slowly I kissed him. As I opened my eyes, I saw, I kissed his cheek again not his lips. I got little disappointed but since, I got my whole night to try, I don't mind it. As I want to try again, I remember that. Since, I realised my love for Ash, I always thought of kissing him and what it feels like to kiss my love of life. And I decided it, that my first kiss with my Ash will be, when I confess my love for my Ash. So, I stopped trying and holding his hand his much more than just a happiness to me. I kept his hand closer to my heart and closed my eyes. As soon as I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.

 As soon as I closed my eyes, I fell asleep

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At the morning:-

Serena's POV:-
To the sun light that falling down from the window, I woke up. I opened my eyes to see my Ash still sleeping like a baby, I love you.

 I opened my eyes to see my Ash still sleeping like a baby, I love you

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I remembered everything that happened since Ash came to see me.
I decided to take bath and make some good dish for breakfast as, my Ash will be hungry as he wakes up. I got up and took bath, wore in clothes and prepared to cook food. As I was in kitchen, I heard Ash waking up so, I rushed to see him. "Good morning, Ash" I said in a low voice and my is turning red. "Good morning to you too, so did you sleep well, Serena, you didn't had any nightmares right" Ash asked me with gently voice. "No! I didn't had any problems sleeping, having you besides me, I felt so safe" I said with a gentle voice, realising every moment I had with Ash last night. I was so happy speaking and seeing my Ash, as I lost track of time and world. "Hey! Serena did you kept some on fire in kitchen" Ash said. Huh! On fire in kitchen, huh! I was preparing food, as I remembered it I rushed to kitchen. As I soon stopped fire, I can see some of the food is already burned. Ash came to kitchen as well, and saw it. "What happened?" Ash asked me. "I was preparing food, and it got burned a bit" I answered with a sad voice. I was disappointed by this, I won't get this upset about things like this, but since I made it for Ash, it's not good. "Serena, don't worry, it's not your fault" Ash said with a concern. "But Ash, because of my mistake, you have to eat burned food" I was so sad that, tears kept forming in my eyes. Ash hugged and rubbed my head.

"Serena, please don't cry, it's not your fault, it was my fault, I was the one who kept talking to you and didn't give you the choice to come to kitchen before, food gets burned" Ash said with concern

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"Serena, please don't cry, it's not your fault, it was my fault, I was the one who kept talking to you and didn't give you the choice to come to kitchen before, food gets burned" Ash said with concern. "No! Don't take blame, just for me, you didn't do anything, infact I am able to save more than half of the food from burning all thanks to you" I said. "So, you saved more than half of food, then your my hero for saving me food and thanks for delicious food" Ash said. He said I was his hero, my cheeks burned in bright red. Actually Ash is my hero and everything. As I looked upto his eyes, his eyes were so warm and it feels so peaceful looking in his brown eyes. "So, Serena can we eat, you know right how much I love your food" Ash asked. "Huh! Yeah Sure! It's just finished" I replied. "Ok! Then I'll go and change to my clothes and come" Ash said with voice of excitement and with that he left kitchen. Ash was so excited about the food, I made so, I can't disappoint him, I'll do my best. Never give up until it's over. I focused on making a delicious food from the left food. I managed to prepare atleast 4 plates of food, I don't think it will be enough for my Ash. Ash came back, changing his clothes. "Serena, I am all ready to eat" Ash said. "Huh! Food is ready too, I'll just put it on plate and give you" I said. "Alright!" Ash said. "Ash wait in the dinning table, I'll come with food" I said. "Ok!" Ash said and left the kitchen. Now, I have to make enough food for Ash. I put almost all the food that's left. If he finds out, I wasn't eating food then he'll refuse eat too. I don't want my Ash to starve so I put just a some food on my plate. Ok now all is set. I took both plates and rushed to my Ash.

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 9. Hope you all enjoy it. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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