Chapter 6

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Serena's POV:-
"Look, don't misunderstand I was just saying that, he is not letting us to hear his conversation" Meitte said. Huh! He is does wearing headphones because of that I can't hear any of his conversation and Ash is just responding by hmm! So is he really hiding something from me. "Hey Serena! HEY! Earth to Serena" Meitte snap me out of my thoughts. "Huh! What happened" I replied in confusion. "Your finally back, Serena, so tell me now, what were you thinking?" Meitte asked me. "Thinking about what? Meitte" I said. "You are the one who is so deeply thinking and you ask me, seriously what's up with you" Meitte sarcastically asked. I don't understand what is she saying about. "I don't understand what are you talking about Meitte!" I said. "Huff! Ok, I will explain, I was just talking about Ash hiding something from us" Meitte said. That's right is Ash really hiding something from me as I turned to Ash but why? I told him that he can share anything with me so why? Did I didn't told him that. "Serena, you said you didn't seen him wearing headphones to attend a call, so I think that what I think is maybe true" Meitte point's out. "But, I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't did a single thing that made Ash mad at me, so why? Why is he hiding something from me?" I literally cried through out the words that I spoke. I really sad now, I can feel tears forming in my eyes. I never thought or wanted that secrets to come between me and Ash. I can't resist my tears as I didn't make any noise but tears kept flowing down my cheeks.

Ash's POV:-
I was speaking with the person you don't know for a while but I didn't get anything to speak actually. I just answered all of his words with hmm because it's all kind a boring. But suddenly I felt something wierd if I have to say precisely I felt a jolt which just reminds me of pain. I turned around to see Serena but as I take a look at her eyes it's all watered or is she crying. "Ash you nee.." I cut him off. "I'll call you back" I said before cutting the call. As i try to wipe Serena's tears away. "What happened? Why are you crying Serena?" I asked her in a concerned voice.

Serena's POV:-
I can't resist my tears as I didn't make any noise but tears kept flowing down my cheeks.i looked down Shauna and Meitte came close but suddenly they backed off. As I felt something is touching my cheeks, no, I know exactly who's hand are these. They belong to my Ash. As I quickly tried to lift my face."What happened? Why are you crying Serena?" Ash asked me in a concerned voice. He really cares for me, he really does. As I lift my face I saw Ash's brown eyes with so much warmth. My hands moved on their own as I don't knowingly grabbed Ash's hand and bring it close to my heart. "Stop crying, you can tell me what's wrong? Just say it Ok, I'll make sure it doesn't hurt you" Ash said in concerned voice. I want to say I Love you, I love you so much but my mouth is not spliting a word out. "She is sad because she doesn't getting any alone time with you" I heard Meitte's voice. MEITTE I will kill you. "Huh!" Ash signed in confusion. "It's nothing Ash, don't you worry," I said. "Yeah! It was nothing Ash, right Serena" Meitte sarcastically said. "MEITTE!" I yelled at her. And grabbed her shoulders to make her turn away from Ash. "Look, don't you dare making fun of me especially in front of Ash" I whispered in her ear. "Sorry" Meitte said sarcastically. I wasn't satisfied with her but anyway she said sorry so I'll don't argue with her. As we both turned towards Ash. "So, you are Ash right," Meitte asked. "Huh! Yeah I am Ash" Ash said. "Are you speaking to a girl on phone" Meitte asked. What is she even asking. "No, I was speaking to a friend" Ash replied. "Is this friend is called he or she" Meitte asked. "Ofcourse he is called he" Ash replied. That's right Ash doesn't hide anything from me. "So, it was he, tell me this what exactly you guys discussing so deeply" Meitte asked. "We're discussing about business" Ash replied. "Can you tell me details" Meitte asked. I got annoyed. "Sure! But first, who are you" Ash asked. Oh! Yeah Ash doesn't know these two girls. "These two are my friends and colleagues, Her name i.." I was cut off by Meitte. "You definitely have to heard about me, right, I am Meitte prettiest idol of all time" Meitte said with arrogance and fliping her hair even though she know she doesn't have long hair. "Huh! I am sorry but I never heard of you" Ash replied as Meitte sliped to floor in shock. "I am sorry about that, ha! ha!" Ash apologied rubbing his head's back. Why is Ash apologizing to Meitte their is nothing that Ash did. "It's not your fault Ash, she is just too arrogant and she imagine things so much" I said. "Arrogant and imagine things" Ash asked. "Hey! Who are you calling arrogant and imagine things" Meitte rised in rage. I would argue with her in a normal situation but since Ash is here I don't want any kind of arguments and fights. "Look, don't misunderstand it, I was supporting you" I said gently. "Care to tell me how?" Meitte sarcastically asked. "Ok! I was saying you have lot of pride which is higher than Arrogance and you imagine things that you will definitely make it happen not that you are delusional, you do understand right" I said opposite of what I think of her.

Author's Note:- that's it for chapter 6. Hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. For now BYE till next time.

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