Chapter 12

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Serena's POV:-
"Don't worry about that, It's was a just an excuse to hangout with you" Ash said.

Serena's POV:-"Don't worry about that, It's was a just an excuse to hangout with you" Ash said

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Ash wants to hangout with me. I felt so special at that moment. I want to tell him ' I love you so much, so,so much'. "Ash, I want to tell you something" I said after mustering all my courage. "Huh! Are you feeling tired or something like that" Ash asked me. "No! No! It's nothing like that" I said tilting my head to sides. "So, what is it? You're not telling me, you're hungry or something like similar, do you!" Ash asked me. "Nothing like that either, it different" I again said tilting my head. "Are you telling, you can't give me any gifts" Ash asked me. "Huh! No, I'll definitely get a best gift for you" I said assuring Ash. "Great, I'll always cherish my gift given by you" Ash said cheerfully. I was so happy hearing his words and seeing him smile. I was hoping, if, I confess my love for Ash, now. He will definitely accept me, and I can always be with my Ash. So, I again mustered all of my courage to say my feelings to my Ash. I just have to say 'I love you' then, 'I love you so much and so much'. As I tried to confess to my Ash, somebody spoke louder and louder that it can be heard in each corner of legendary tree. "Everyone, please keep your gifts before evening, and please don't be late for your gifts receiving" that person said so louder. "Serena, we should pick our gifts faster, or else we're gonna be late" Ash said as he turned around and rushed to pick a gift. I wanted to tell 'I love you' but since Ash, wants to pick gifts, I can't tell him right now, well then I'll wait for suitable situation then. And maybe Ash confesses to me first. "Wait for me, I am coming too" I said as, I rushed to my Ash's side. As we are trying to find a suitable gifts for each other. I know many things that my Ash likes, but which one do, I give him. I want give my Ash a gift, that shows I love him so much, but couldn't think of any. As we started to roam around the town to find gifts. We saw a lot of gift shops filled with people. We entered few too, but no luck as we can't find a suitable one. I was trying so hard to think about the best gift for my Ash. But only thing that, I was able to think about is my Ash and spending time with him. Time flies and soon it's after noon. "Serena, I am hungry, let's go to eat something" Ash said. "Ok! Let's go" I replied as we started to search for a restaurant or food stall. After some time, we find a restaurant and Ash rushed to it. I rushed behind my Ash, we quickly find ourselves a table to sit. Then Ash ordered our food. I'll take same as my Ash.

???? POV:-
I was hanging out with some of my friends in the town. Spending some time like this is best for relief and relaxing. The stress of the concerts and shows, we have to go through as idols. But one thing that is annoying is disguising ourselves. Yeah! We all are disguised into someone else. So, nobody can find who we are? Being an idol sure comes with its fair share of problems. It's after noon, there are six people, me included and one member of our girls band is missing. We are hanging out since the morning, so, we didn't had our lunch yet. We have planned for it, we have booked a seven seats in the famous restaurant around. But unfortunately, Serena isn't Here, so her seat will be empty. We are just reached the restaurant and asked about our reservation in the restaurant. A waiter is going to lead us to our reserved table. As he came and we started to move to our table. My eyes caught a familiar female figure as I slightly rised my hand to wave her. My eyes fell on the male figure with her. And with that, I can't afford to wave at her. But Meitte seems to notice them both too, and she just raced to Serena. But, I was feeling different, to be precise sadness. I don't want her near him.

Serena's POV:-
I was enjoying the time, that me and my Ash spending. We are currently eating at a random restaurant. Ash is eating like, he never eat any food before. I was, thinking about the gift, I was supposed to give my Ash, to show my love towards him. I was peacefully eating and thinking about the gift, suddenly I felt pair of hands on my shoulders. I got a bad feeling about this. I turned around to see, a scary Meitte, I got startled.

"Huh! Finally, find ya!" Meitte said sarcastically and little like horror

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"Huh! Finally, find ya!" Meitte said sarcastically and little like horror. "Meitte! Huh! What are you doing here" I said trying not to look into her eyes.

"What am I doing? Take a good look around" Meitte said sarcastically

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"What am I doing? Take a good look around" Meitte said sarcastically. I looked around, it's all seems to be normal to me, what does she mean by that? "What are you talking about, it's all just normal around" I said confused. "Oh yeah! Take look at there" Meitte said as she pointed to certain direction. What's with her, I thought as, I looked at that direction, I saw a bunch familiar of girls there, so what about them? Wait, what? They are my friends. Shauna, Korrina, Aria, Nini and Concetta. What are they doing here? Don't tell Meitte followed us upto here. I looked at Ash, he was still eating like nothing's happening. "Huh! Meitte, what's everyone doing here?" I asked. "Huh! You're at restaurant, that we all planned to meet, yesterday before Ash came" Meitte said sarcastically.

Author's Note:- That's it for the Chapter 12. Hope you'll enjoy reading it. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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