Chapter 18

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Serena's POV:-
"Well, I want to go to legendary tree" Ash said refreshing my memory about the festival of 'Pledging Tree'.

Serena's POV:-"Well, I want to go to legendary tree" Ash said refreshing my memory about the festival of 'Pledging Tree'

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???? POV:-
"Well, I want to go to legendary tree" Ash said. Huh! Legendary tree. Is that the same tree that's also called the 'Pledging Tree'. Yeah! Every year around this time a festival is celebrated in honour of the tree.

Serena's POV:-
I forgot about the gift, that I want to give my Ash. How can this be happening, I was with my Ash all day and still, I-I forgot. I can tears forming in my eyes. But, I don't want to cry in front of my Ash. I don't want my Ash to see how ugly I look when, I cry. We are walking in the route to legendary tree, I should think of something to give, no, something special to give my Ash. Each second, I tried to think of a special gift. The fact we are getting closer and closer to the legendary tree is not letting me focus. Some horrible thought like Ash hating me because, I didn't gave him any gifts or not talking with me. And most horrible thought of rejecting my love for my Ash was making me suffer every second in my heart. Ash wasn't going to do that right, right. I was trying to console myself with my Ash's words.

"Never give up until it's over" a six years old Ash said to me, extending his hand

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"Never give up until it's over" a six years old Ash said to me, extending his hand. I looked at my Ash, he looked at me at the same time I did. I felt my heart beating in rapid pace, my face burning up in dark shade of red and I saw every dream, I wanted to be real flashing in front of my eyes. "Serena, are you crying!" Ash asked in a concerned voice and cupping my cheeks. I felt so warmth in my Ash's touch. I smoothly grabbed my Ash hands. "Why are you crying?" Ash asked me with a concerned voice. "I was- that I-I" I didn't feel, I was crying. I didn't felt tears or some liquid flowing down my cheeks or even left my eyes. "Is something bothering you" Ash asked me with concerned voice. "No! I-I wasn't crying, it's just- just something fell in my eyes" I lied to my Ash, something I never intended to do. "If you say so" Ash said as he wiped my tears. "Thank you" I said to my Ash, for making me feel positive all again. "Don't mention it!" Ash said as he smiled, seeing his smile made me happy too.

???? POV:-
As we were walking for legendary tree. Serena has to go and make scene to grab Ash's attention. First acting like crying and then, casually saying that something fell in her eyes. After that she walking like a child. Grabbing Ash's hand palm by both her hands like a little girl.

 Grabbing Ash's hand palm by both her hands like a little girl

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Serena's POV:-
I was walking holding my Ash's hand. I may be not able to give my Ash a special gift but, I'll never give up. We were nearly at the legendary tree. Now, that I think of it peacefully, I completely forgot about the 'Pledging tree'. But Ash didn't, it's feels like he is thinking about me, only me. As I looked at my Ash. I can feel my heart is so eager to for hearing 'I love you' from my Ash. As I was unable to turn my attention off of my Ash all the way to the legendary tree. As so many dreams, I had for years now and the new ones about showing my love for my Ash was flashing in my eyes. I really want all of them to come true. But, it's still be so much if only one of them, the dream of Ash accepting my love comes true. I don't think about anything else, than my Ash.

???? POV:-
We are almost at the legendary tree. The whole time we walked here and today. Serena is just sticking with Ash like glue. And to make it worse, she acts like crying and etc, etc. After that holding his hands like that, is that any kind of good manner that a young woman would have. It's too uncomfortable for me. She wants him to fall for her with that attitude. I don't think so. He is and always will be mine.

Serena's POV:-
Before I can realise it, we were already at the festival of the Pledging tree. "Wow! It's looks so beautiful". "Yeah! Just look at that decorations". "This is one of most beautiful sights of the green for sure". "Awesome, there are so many lighting to the tree". "This tree is certainly is huge one". "I never saw, a tree decorated like this". "Let's take some pictures". "This sight did live up to its expectations". "I doesn't know, a tree can be such beautiful". We started hearing many people saying what they think of this sight of Pledging tree. Everyone is praising the people who decorated the tree. And many people are admiring the sight too. I am also one of them and wonder how does my Ash see's it. Is it good or is it bad. "A-Ash, i-its looking wonderful, right" I Asked my Ash. "Yep! It sure does" Ash casually replied. As we moved closer to the legendary tree. There are many people exchanging gifts and taking pictures. "Let's go over there" Ash said as he pointed to closer place to 'Pledging tree'. "Ok!" I replied, and we moved there. This time again my friends scattered  around the tree. Ash removed his backpack and took out a small gift box. Wait! Is that for me. "Serena, here I got a gift for you" Ash said. I felt shy, but also disappointed in me. "take it!" Ash said smiling. I slowly extended my hand and took Ash's gift.

" I-I wasn't able to pick a gift for you, A-Ash" I said looking down

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" I-I wasn't able to pick a gift for you, A-Ash" I said looking down.

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 18. Hope you'll enjoy reading it too. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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