Chapter 29

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Grace's POV:-
"BUT, WHY DIDN'T, I'VE BEEN TOLD ABOUT THIS EARLIER" Serena yelled at me. "It's not like that, try to understand, Serena!" I tried to calm her down. "You know! I can't live without my Ash. So, why did you hide something like this from me?" Serena said crying. Then, she fell to her knees and started to cry with even more pain in her voice. I got down to my knees and tried to calm her down. "Serena! I am sorry for, what I did? But, try to calm yourself. I promise, I don't hide things like this from you again. I promise!" I said wrapping my arms around her. She still continued to cry. I knew, Serena can't stand anything happening to Ash. But, before nothing like this have ever happened to Ash either. "S-So, I heard, my Ash's condition is now stabilized. But, I don't know what really happened to my Ash. Say truth, don't hide anything from me" Serena calmed herself a little. I told her about the accident, that happened to Ash. After hearing everything, she insisted on see Ash. I couldn't able to say No! to her. We soon left our home to visit Ash. I just know, Ash's condition has stabilized. But, don't know, he has got to his consciousness or not. I was worried about Delia too, when she finds out. She is the one who told Serena about Ash. After everything, I don't think. She will take it lightly. She might get disappointed in herself or worse than that.

Delia Ketchum's POV:-
After telling Grace about Ash. I called Oak family and told them about Ash. They were all glad to hear the news. Gary said, he is currently on the way to see him. Well, most of the credit goes to Gary. He is the one, who called ambulance and took all the responsibilities of Ash's traveling in a serious condition. He is a great friend. I continued to tell everyone who knew about the accident that happened Ash about his good condition. I am glad everything went good in the end. I was really scared this time. This time, it's nothing like before. Everytime, Ash gets out of the accidents with minor or without injuries. I didn't thought, anything like this could really happen to him.

Serena's POV:-
Me and my mama was almost at the hospital. Where, my Ash is recovering from the accident injuries. I was still disappointed in myself. How can I let anything like this happened to my Ash. So, I already cleared it with my mama. That, I am quitting being an idol and from now on. I am always going to be with my Ash. I am not letting my Ash out of my sight again. I am telling him my feelings. Then, if-if-if my Ash don-don't want me. I'll-I-I, "Serena," I got panicked by my mama's voice. I turned to face my mama. "Uhh!" I let out my voice in shock. "Are you still worried about Ash. You heard Delia don't you. So, don't-" I cut off my mama. "How can I am not be worried?  I don't even know, how much more things did you all hid from me. So, I am not letting go of my Ash's side fro-" I was cut off by my mama. "Serena, I don't think, Ash will approve of your decision about quitting being an idol. I think he'l-" I cut off my mama again. "I tell him, I love him so much! I love him so much more! I love him so much more than my life!. I love him so much more than myself! I'll tell him. I can't live *sobbing* with-*sobbing* without him" I said. I can't help myself as, I once again breakdown to crying. My mama hugged me. "I know you love him so much" my mama said in a low voice. I was just so, so emotional, because. I don't want anything like this happens to my Ash.

Gary's POV:-
I was glad to hear about the good condition of Ash. I was also satisfied because. I didn't let Serena know anything about this. She is really very, very sensitive about Ash. But, I have to make sure, she'll never comes to know about this. If she does, she'll kill me without any mercy. Well, now that, Ash is well. He can contact her through phone and if she ever founds out about this. He must be the one to protect me. I parked my car then, I met with aunt Delia. Aunt Delia told me everything she knows about Ash's condition, till now. Then, with aunt Delia, we both visited Ash. Unfortunately, He isn't gained his consciousness yet!. But, I am sure he will, soon enough!. After all! He is really a tough customer. After seeing Ash, I went to talk to doctors and get some info about his wound's depths. Then, I can think of a possible smooth rehabilitation progress.

Grace's POV:-
We reached the hospital. Serena sprinted to hospital reception area. I went behind her, As she finds out Ash's room number. She Sprinted to lift. But, since it didn't opened quickly. She Sprinted by stairs. I tried to stop her, but, she didn't even stop to hear me. I waited for lift and went through the lift. As I reached to Ash's room. I saw Delia was sitting next to Ash's bed. I searched for Serena, but, didn't find her. I guess, she is still running through the stairs. I went inside the room. "Delia!" I said in a low voice. She turned to me, "Why are you here? Didn't you said, Serena is coming home today." She asked me. I was about to answer, but, I heard door opening sound behind me. I turned behind, Serena was standing there. "Ash!" She said little louder.

Serena's POV:-
I found Ash's room and quickly opened the door to see my Ash.

Author's Note:- That's it for the chapter 29. I hope you'll enjoy reading it too. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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