Chapter 5

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Ash's POV:-

I just met Serena, After 2-3 months. Now that I am here I did speak to her. we exchanged greetings and good wishes to our family, friends and future. And speaked lot about our childhood memories and moments we spent together. As we continued to speak. As we continued to talk. Serena's phone starts to ring. But she didn't pick it up. So I said "Serena, looks like your phone is ringing". "Don't worry! Ash, looks like some scam call." She said so I don't bother with that. And continued to talk. But someone knocked on door. Serena looked at door but didn't ask who they are and neither went to see who they are."Serena, someone's on the door" I told her. She looked kind a sad and irritated. She walks up to the door with speaking a word. Then Serena stoped at door and open just a bit. I can't see through it. It was too small gap. She suddenly turned to me and hand signed that she is going out to talk and for me. I have to stay in room. Ok! Then actually I understand Serena very well. Because we both grew up together. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out to see who's calling me. I can see 4 letters on screen. I recognised that person so I picked up. "Hello! Are you there" he asked. "Hii!" I answered. "Hey, where are you" he asked. "I was with, Serena" I replied. "Ok! Can you come out and speak" he asked. "Come out, why?" I asked. "Nothing, it's just I can't hear you very well, so, I asked you to come out" he explained. Oh! must be some network issue, "Ok! just a minute" I said. I then took my headphone and wore it, incase he speaks anything, then I stand to search the network. As I was start to walk the network towers are became fully visible. So I thought of checking it. "Hey! Are you hearing clear now" I asked. "Yeah! It's perfect now" he said. Ok! I looked around I was in front of Serena's room's window, and wind is flowing nicely here. So I decided to stand at window and continue our talking.

Serena's POV:-
Shauna grabbed Meitte's hand and drag her out. I was relieved of sight. And now Ash, Ash, and Ash. I am coming. As I opened door, I saw Ash talking in phone wearing headphones. OOH! Finally I got back from that annoying discussion and Ash is talking to someone else. I am disappointed. But As I saw Ash talking I remembered something. He is standing at window which shows directly to the hotel exit Gates. And Shauna just dragged Meitte there to exit the hotel. Crap! I need to hide Ash before they Sees him. I rushed to Ash's side but as I saw at the exit gate, I realised that I was already late. As I stand behind Ash like dumbfounded. Shauna and Meitte were looking straight at window. more precisely at Ash. Meitte was asking Shauna about Ash's identify pointing at Ash. because I did said that I love Ash but never showed any pictures or photographs of Ash to any of them. Only my childhood friend like Shauna and Korrina knows Ash's face. but they both are not friends with Ash. reason is he an upper class student. To be more honest. When I was studying Ash was two classes above me. so Shauna and Korrina always felt terrible about meeting Ash or speaking to him. It's been said that. The class Ash was studying has bullies. More than that some students are said to be so violent. and obviously Ash's class has the bad reputation of all. Back to present Shauna and Meitte were staring right at me. like I did some crime. I they found out lie to them. I just waved my hand at them in defeat. I lost now my time with Ash is not happening anymore. Meitte suddenly grabbed Shauna's hand and rushed to door and knocked. I was crying in defeat. Then I just quietly went to door and open it slightly. I thought I'll spend alone time with Ash but They are back as I saw Shauna and Meitte. As they noticed me. "Feeling, so sad are you Serena, let me come inside then I support you to get over it" Meitte said sarcastically. Went outside "He, hee hee, you both don't be mad at me, I was thinking about introducing you to Ash, ha! ha!" I tried to calm down the situation. "Serena, you don't have to lie to u.." Shauna was cut off by Meitte. "Serena was just thinking about not letting us to meet, right Serena" Meitte sarcastically said. she got that right so I can't argue. "Don't be like that Meitte, I wasn't mind introducing you to Ash" I lied. I do mind letting her meet Ash. "Now that you were got red handed, you better not mind" Meitte sarcastically said. As soon as that been said Meitte grabbed my shoulders and pushed me towards Ash. Ash was facing outside from window as well as speaking to phone with headphones on. "Now, introduce us Serena, do it" Meitte said. She kept pushing me. "Wait a little bit Meitte, Ash is speaking on phone." I explained. "He is speaking on the phone wearing headphones, but why is he wearing headphones? I mean he can speak normally, don't he" Meitte said. "He can, but don't know why he is wearing headphones" I replied. "Hmm! looks like something is fishy" Meitte said. "What you mean?" I asked. "I think he is hiding something" Meitte replied. "What? I don't think he is hiding anything" I depended Ash. "Look, don't misunderstand I was just saying that, he is not letting us to hear his conversation" Meitte said. Huh! He is does wearing headphones because of that I can't hear any of his conversation and Ash is just responding by hmm! So is he really hiding something from me.

Author's Note:- that's it for chapter 5. I hope you all enjoy it and stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. For now BYE.

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