Chapter 4

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Serena's POV:-

As I was fighting for mine and my Ash's privacy. I was stuck in a problem called Meitte. So I have to clever and very clear. So I started the conversation. "What happened, why are you here, I don't mind having you but you both look tired and it's late in the evening to". I took the first step but to be careful to continue. "Serena, are you Ok!" Shauna asked me. What happened to me I was completely fine. In fact having you Here is annoying. "Hey! You are looking quite happy," Meitte asked. Hoops! She is getting suspicious. I have to Drag her out there. "Hmm! What are you talking about." I don't know what they are taking about. "About Ash, you become sad and left" Shauna explained. "Oh! That don't worry" I said bluntly. Meitte suddenly looked at me with one eye open and one eye closed. Hoops! "I mean" I acted sad "I was sad but you know Ash is coming tomorrow so I want to spend this night as fast as possible". I'll make some excuses tomorrow because I don't want anyone to interrupt my time with Ash. And tomorrow is holiday so I wasn't meeting up with them until it was planned. "So, you are planning about tomorrow." Meitte said. "Yeah! Something like that" I replied. Looks like she isn't suspicious now. "So, you are alright, right!" Shauna asked grabbing my shoulder. What the? Shauna is acting strange. Wait! I looked at Meitte she was looking at shoes stand. What? I think they came after planning something. But I don't think she'll find Ash's Shoes. because I actually pulled his shoes by feet when I was standing at the door "Shauna, I am completely alright" I said as I returned her hands from my shoulders. "So, what are you planning " Meitte asked while still looking at shoes stand. She definitely have something in mind. "I wasn't planning anything" I replied. "You are not planning anything to welcome, Ash" Shauna asked. "Hey! Are you not planning on introducing us to him too," Meitte complianed. "What? No, how can I do that? You all are my best friends" I said it but I don't think like doing it. Especially I am not allowing Meitte to meet Ash. "You better do it" Meitte said like a command. After this I definitely don't willing to. "Meitte, you need to learn manners" Shauna said. Yeah! definitely who do you think you are, Meitte. "Yeah! That's not the right way to ask, Meitte!" I said but looks like I have gone overboard. "Hey! I think you are so happy all of sudden, something has happened for sure" Meitte looked at me again with that suspicious look of hers. And for more problem she rised her voice. It can be heard easily inside the room. Ash might have heard her. This is bad, very bad. I have to bring her back to my track. "Meitte, what are you talking about? Is it bad if I am not more but just a bit happy." I want cover it all by anymeans. "Serena, is right Meitte, what's wrong if she is happy" Shauna supported me. Good thing is I have Shauna to restrict Meitte here but even though I have to be careful. "It not like that, Shauna," Meitte continued "it's just that she is happy without a reason, don't you agree." Meitte just planted a plant called suspicious in Shauna's mind. Oh! Crap I have to make sure that suspicious plant don't grow into tree. Shauna looked at me with strange look. I back off a bit seeing Shauna. "Yeah! Serena are you really o.." Shauna was cut off of me. I put a crying face. "Are you both came here to make me cry," I sobbed a bit "first you all are teasing me, and now you want to make me cry" again I sobbed. "No! No! It's not like that yo.." again I cut off Shauna from speaking. "Then, what is it like,". "We are jus.." I cut Shauna off again. " You are, what? I was already sad because Ash didn't come, and you people are making me cry,". I trying to be sad but also I want get back to Ash. I don't like crying out but if I go inside they will definitely notice Ash. and I can't afford that. "Sorry! Serena, we don't want to make you cry, we just want to make sure you are OK! That's all." Shauna apologied. Looks like Shauna trusted me but I saw Meitte still looking at me with suspicious look. I try to sob my tears a little bit rough but not noisy. looking me Shauna said "Serena, don't cry now, if you want we visit you later , now don't cry". That will be good I'll get my privacy with Ash. But Meitte is still suspicious of me. I got enough. "say it to, Meitte, she doesn't trust me now either." I complained about her behaviour. Shauna looking at Meitte "trust, her she our friend don't get suspicious about Serena,".say it like that. Now I just have to make'em live. " But Shauna, look at her, Serena is acting like crying and hiding something from us" Meitte declared her suspicious. She saw through my acting and the fact I am hiding Ash from her. Hopefully she doesn't think it is Ash. " What do you mean? Acting, and I am not hide anything" I opposed acting mad. "You, definitely are hiding something, I know, but what is it?" Meitte asked in anger too. "That's it! You both get out of Here" I demmanded. "But, why are you shouting at Shauna, Serena!" Meitte asked. "Huh!" I.. I did what I supposed to do don't I fell into thinking about my mistake. "Ha! Haa! I know something is fishy" Meitte said. I fell for it. No, I won't lose. "What? You both getout and Shauna if you don't go and drag Meitte with you I won't be talking to you" I demmanded. "No, we will go" Shauna said. "No way, I am going" Meitte said. but Shauna grabbed her hand and drag her out. I was relieved of sight. And now Ash, Ash, and Ash. I am coming.

Author's Note:- that's it for chapter 4. Stay tuned for more Amour shipping moments. See you all soon. For now BYE.

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