Chapter 27

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Gary's POV:-
"N-Nothing has happened to Ash, he is completely alright, I assure you" I said looking away. Don't know, how she'll react, if she finds out truth. I'm very sorry! Serena, for lying to you. "Really, nothing happened to my Ash right, you're not lying to me, are you!" Serena asked me with tears. What should I do? Alright!. " I am not lying to you, Really! nothing happened, Ash is alright" I lied once more. But, I can't help it, she must not hear, what happened? "Then, why are you looking away from me, you always talk looking thier eyes, so, why don't you look in the face and talk" she forced me to answer her. I wasn't ready for this, now, what do I do? I can't think of a single excuse. "I-I am not lying, believe me" I tried a silly excuse. Still unable to look at her or come up with a single excuse. "If you want me to believe you, say, my Ash is alright looking at my face" She isn't going to listen to me. I want to get myself out of this situation. "I am not lying, ok! I am telling you the truth, you don't need to worry, everything is completely alright!" I insisted on not telling her. "So, can I speak to my Ash" she is not resisting either. "Talk to Ash! Umm! I think, maybe he is busy in work" I was only able to come up with this excuse. "How do you know? You said, you were here working, so, do you know where my Ash is" She pushed me to a corner "I thought, I told you, he is in hoenn, didn't I!" I was thinking so much, so, I said it bluntly. "HOENN' I thought, you said, jhoto or unova" she saw through it. "Ohh! Did I, sorr--" I want to pach it up. "And you said as a 'Guess' too" she isn't letting me go, not so easily. "I am sorry! I wasn't doing it intentionally, please believe me!" I tried to apologise to her. Even through, I said 'not intentionally' but, I was doing it all intentionally.

Serena's POV:-
After hearing Gary, I really got worried for my Ash. He isn't in any kind of trouble. I was praying for my Ash's well being. I do want the truth from Gary, but, he isn't giving me a honest answer. I can't go on like this, I need to do something. I have to make him tell me, the truth. I was getting anxious by the moment. I hope, my Ash is alright. Because, how bad may he is, he don't lie about his friends. Since, Gary isn't telling me anything, I should find out some way to know the truth, myself.

Grace's POV:-
I just got on to everything that happened. It's already middle of the night. Serena would be reaching home in early morning. But, I wasn't on our home right now, I probably can't reach home before Serena arrives. So, atleast, I should leave for home now. But, how can I leave Delia crying here. After all, she did so much for me. I really can't abandone her now, not like this. I atleast have to console her. "Don't worry! Nothing will happen to our Ash, you have to believe in him, he can pull through this situation" I said in a low voice. "I-I *sobbing* can't, it's..*sobbing* it's nothing *sobbing* before" Delia replied crying. I can imagine her pain. After, her husband died, practically, Ash is the only one. Who she can call as a family. If, something were to happen to him. Delia would be devistated, I can't imagine her pain. Without a family and, as a mother, without her son. Sometimes, I think, maybe without having me near. She might have been little more happy.

Gary's POV:-
I was currently traveling to Kanto by flight. Flight was almost over. Serena is completely asleep on her seat. But, I still can't afford to make my guard down. She might, just be acting like completely asleep. I was really surprised of how, she just stopped asking me questions. In fact, I wonder, she might trying to make me split the truth by some another way. Anyway, every hypothesis means one thing, I should keep my guard up.

Grace's POV:-
I was trying to console Delia. Suddenly, my phone started to alarm. I got startled by this. I turned it off as soon as possible. "Did you set that alarm for middle of the night" Delia asked me. "It's -its just, I was thinking of making something special for Serena, before, she arrives at home, but, don't worry about it! We have more serious matters at hand" I replied. Yeah! I did planned it 2 or 3 days earlier. But, I don't think it's the right moment for that. "So, Serena is coming today" Delia asked me. "Yeah! She might as been already passed more than half of the way in the flight" I replied analysing the path of Serena's. "If she is coming, you should go to your home quickly" Delia said. "Huh! But!.. But! I can't leave you like this" I replied with worry. "You have to go, you do remember right," Delia said. I.. I wasn't sure, what I must do? Should I do as Delia said. Or I should stay with Delia. I can't think it through. "I.. I can't leave you alone, not after all you did for me and my daughter" I tried to convince her. "You need to go to your hom--" Delia was cut off by me. "No! I can't" I insisted. "Listen, you know how, Serena feels towards Ash, we can't risk, letting her know, what happened?" Delia convinced me. I know, if Serena, finds out what happened? She would not stop until. She can see Ash. "You need to get their faster, please don't let her know this pain"

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 27. Hope you'll enjoy reading it too. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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