Chapter 34

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Serena's POV:-

It's been a week or so. Since; my Ash was caught in an accident. He is making a great progress in the recovery. At the time; my Ash has been discharged from the hospital. And; Now, My Ash has been returned to his home. But; his left arm, which got injured significantly hasn't got that much better. Other than that; my Ash's health has got pretty good. And; I took a vocation break from my idol agency as instructed. This past few days are have been very happy for me. I have been spending almost, all of my time with my Ash. Today is also no different than those days.

Delia Ketchum's POV:-

It's been days; Since; I made that promise to both; Grace and Serena. But; I haven't able to do anything about it; so far. I should have already talked about it with Ash. If only; Serena gave us some alone time. And; Since; Ash has to rest and sleep considerably. I wasn't getting any proper time to breach this topic with him. If; it goes on like this, time and opportunity might slip out of my hands. I needed to do something about it quickly. And; Also can't take any risks of any talking about this subject infront of Grace. And; especially not infront of Serena. And; Also time is ticking faster too. More than that; I still have to make Ash accept the marriage proposal, as well!. Have make all of this work out in just a week or maybe few days. I have already wasted enough time. I should be getting to work; a little bit harder this time.

Grace's POV:-

My daughter has been all smiles recently. So; I am so hopeful her smile never fades away again. Before; this incidents concerning Ash. I was always thinking and stuck between decision and thoughts. Thoughts like; is it correct to support, Serena's affection for Ash. Or; should, I stop her from growing any more feelings for Ash. Or; I did all of this for my daughter; so, will she be safe with Ash. And; can Serena even smile without her loved ones. All of this thoughts were interrupting me from getting a good decision for my daughter. Also; All of the decisions; I made me sit on the sidelines. The decisions like; I should leave it to the fate. Or; I should just wait for her decision. Or; I should just see her resolve. All of this decisions weren't accurate at all. I was just making an excuses to run away from the burdens. Maybe; I wasn't that good of a mother; I thought, I am. But; all of that has changed after this incidents. I was able to see a clear answer. My daughter will be happy; if only she can be with her loved ones.

Gary's POV:-

Ash's rehabilitation process has been successful. But; personally; I hoped for a slight delay in his progress. I wasn't against him getting better or anything. I was just concerned about him. I am pretty sure; he is going to fly to other places as soon as; he gets his gripping back on himself. But; his left arm is probably, going to take a while. Before; it gets completely healed. So; with that injured arm; he is probably going get into more troubles. So; the best choice for him is to stay in here. At a low profile and populatied area of our pallet town. But; also considering; what he said to Serena. He must have some idea to avoid all of it. Even; his arms get better. However; I am positive about his plans. It's still isn't clear his plans will work at an hundred percent accuracy. So; there is still needed to be cautious.

Ash's POV :-

The rehabilitation process has went successfully. I was feeling better than that time. I have spent in hospital. There is still lots of things to take care of. But; there is still time to be relaxed, too!. Looking at the current situation. I am positive that; all of the things has placed well in there required positions. The only one; that needed to be placed in its place must be so anxious by now. If; every thing else is already placed well. The ideal situation; I was hoping for will present itself infront of me in approximately three to four days. If; that doesn't happen; I still got some options left. With that in my hands; I am sure to seize that ideal situation. But; until that, I have to be; up to task. The promise; that I have made mustn't get any damages by it. I need to make sure that to happen. It's finally the time. I have to provide proper justice to both of my promises.

Serena's POV:-

Me and my Ash just came outside for a walk. We were taking our walks like this. Ever since; my Ash was discharged from the hospital. My Ash was all smiles after; I accepted his marriage proposal. Now that; I think about it. All of these happened so suddenly. It all happened; when I was crying in my Ash's arms in the hospital.

That day in the hospital:-

Serena's POV:-

When I was crying in my Ash's arms. He tried to console me. But; I wasn't able to hold back my tears any longer. "If only I wasn't an idol. *sobbing* I... *sobbing* i would have been with you. *sobbing* I wouldn't have... *sobbing* let... *sobbing* something like this... *sobbing* this happen to you...". I said; letting my emotions out. "...So; are you dissatisfied with being an idol" my Ash asked me. "I...*sobbing* I don't... *sobbing* want to be...*sobbing* idol,". I replied; still continued to cry. "So...!; will you marry me," my Ash asked. For some moments; I wasn't able to differentiate between reality and dream. So; I looked upto his face. "I know it's so sudden. But; still... I love you"

Author's Note:-
That's it for the chapter 34. Hope you'll enjoy reading it. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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