Chapter 13

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Serena's POV:-
"Huh! You're at restaurant, that we all planned to meet, yesterday before Ash came" Meitte said sarcastically. "Huh! You're saying, this is that restaurant" I asked in confusion. "Oh my God! Yeah it's that restaurant, ok" Meitte replied annoyed by my actions. I don't know what to say? Now everyone is here, I might as well just introduce Ash to them. "Do you, don't think anything when you're with him" Meitte asked me. What is she saying? "What are you mean to tell me?" I asked her. "You still don't get it, I was telling didn't you noticed restaurant menu or restaurant's name on tables" Meitte asked me annoyed. "I didn't seen restaurant menu" I said. "Then how did you ordered food, then" Meitte asked confused. "Oh! That, I just ordered same as my Ash, and nothing more" I said, a little smile appeared on my face. hearding my reply, Meitte just bowwed her head in disbelief. "You're such a fan girl Serena, Ok! Then, didn't you noticed restaurant's name on table" Meitte said as she pointed to certain peace of paper on the table. I looked at that peace of paper, it really does have the restaurant name, I am surprised of this. "Ha! Ha!" I just laughed in embarrassment. "Enough laugh, care to tell me" Meitte asked sarcastically. "Come close" I said, she lowered her head to hear me clearly. "I was so happy to be with my Ash, that, I was looking at his face all the time" I said in a low voice. Then laughed in embrassment. "You're hopeless, Serena" Meitte said sarcastically. "Sorry" I said in a low voice.

"Well, anyway, Hey, Ash" Meitte said as she took a chair and sat beside my Ash

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"Well, anyway, Hey, Ash" Meitte said as she took a chair and sat beside my Ash. I got jealous of Meitte, how dare, she sit next to Ash.

???? POV:-
As I found him and Serena together, I became unable to turn my attention off of him. I don't what? Serena is doing with him, but I want her to stay away from him. It's looks like, Meitte is also noticed them. As she rushed to Serena, but I can't go there, not until Serena is there. "Ladies, you're table is right here, make yourself comfortable" waiter said. We are moved to our table, but my attention is still on him. As I saw, Meitte speaking to Serena. And seems like everyone noticed Serena. And everyone is having a chitchat about that too. But I.. I can't turn my attention off of him. He is.., I never thought situation like this can happen to me. I am unable to accept that Serena is so close to him. Because He is.., I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, it's your turn to order, now say what do you like" one of my friends asked me. Then I took menu, I tried to read it but, I can't, why is serena so close to him?

Serena's POV:-
As Meitte sat beside my Ash and started to talk to him. I got jealous of Meitte. "Hey! Ash, is food delicious" Meitte asked to Ash. "Huh! Hello, how did you get here" Ash asked her. Meitte was about to speak but Ash cut her off. "Let me guess, your here for vacation" Ash said eating. Meitte was little annoyed of Ash cutting her off but she decided to speak, but again same happened as she got even irritated. "Are you here for legendary tree visit, for a guess" Ash asked again. Meitte was about to speak but it happened again as she reached her limit. "Are you planning on giving gifts to friends or anything" Ash asked her causually without even looking at her. I felt sorry for Meitte, she is the one, who doesn't let anyone to speak. But this time, my Ash made her taste, her own mess. "Why aren't you, speaking anything" Ash asked Meitte, finishing his plate. Meitte was so furious, like a hungry lion. As soon as she hear Ash saying that, she practically attack him with scary face. As my Ash noticed that, he got paled and rushed to my side. As he hides behind me, keeping his hands on my shoulders. I felt really happy at my Ash's touch. As Meitte turned to my direction to scold Ash, I depended my Ash by standing between my Ash and Meitte. "Serena, so you decided on taking his side, even after your best friend, suffered a mess that was created by him" Meitte said sarcastically. "It's not the mess, Ash created, it was your own mess" I said folding my hands. "How can you say something like that" Meitte sarcastically said. "You do same for us, when we want to talk, and now you tasted your own mess, they don't tell karma follows for nothing you know" I said sarcastically, I am feeling cocky. "That was rude you know" Meitte said sarcastically. "What's so ever" I said in a cocky tone.

"I do know, that your so much in a

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"I do know, that your so much in a.." I cut off Meitte. "Stop it" I said as, I know what she is going to tell. I can't afford to let she say that of all the people. As I turned around to see Ash, I noticed he isn't Here. My eyes searched for my Ash, without any delay. I find my Ash standing with a waiter and talking to him. Huh! Thank God, Atleast he is not talking Meitte or someone who likes teasing me.

???? POV:-
I was seeing him, Serena and Meitte speaking to each other for a while. After some time, I saw Meitte getting angry on him and he tried to hide behind Serena, so both are really close. I don't like it, she must stay away from him. But she seems to doesn't even consider it. I can make her stay away from him. I noticed him move away from Serena and Meitte. Then, he went to a waiter and starts to speak with him. I decided to speak with him.

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 13. Hope you'll enjoy reading it. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments and story is just started to take shape. So for now BYE.

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